STM Y.1564 test configuration (2024)

STM Y.1564 test configuration

ITU-T Y.1564 tests

The NFM-P supports the ITU-T Y.1564 test methodology, which is used to assess the proper configuration and performance of an Ethernet service before customer notification and delivery. The Y.1564 standard provides for measuring throughput, latency, frame loss, and jitter to assess if the service complies with an SLA. In the STM, Y.1564 tests are configured either as Y.1564 bidirectional tests, or Y.1564 service tests.

The Y.1564 bidirectional tests are supported on the 7705 SAR and 7210 SAS (except the 7210 SAS-E). These tests use a testhead profile for configuration of the test criteria. A variety of test types is supported, including bandwidth availability: see ITU-T Y.1564 bidirectional test.

The Y.1564 service tests are supported on the 7210 SAS-K, supported FP4 or FP5 7x50, and 7250 IXR. These tests provide an enhanced configuration that differs from the bidirectional test configuration, using separate profiles or templates for acceptance criteria and payload, and allowing configuration of multiple test streams; see Y.1564 service tests.

ITU-T Y.1564 bidirectional test

The Y.1564 bidirectional service tests are supported on the 7705 SAR and 7210 SAS (except the 7210 SAS-E). Support for specific functions varies depending on the device type and release; see the NE documentation for more information.

You can perform Y.1564 tests on VLL Epipe services configured on 7705 SAR NEs, and on VPLS and VLL Epipe services on 7210 SAS NEs, except for the following service types:

  • PBB Epipe

  • B-VPLS


  • I-VPLS

You can configure a supported NE as a testhead for performing Y.1564 tests. The testhead generates test data for various test types and sends it through the service from the source SAP to the remote destination SAP. The remote SAP performs a port loopback with MAC swap and returns the test data to the source SAP. The testhead analyzes the data and produces the test results.

For 7210 SAS NEs, you can assign a no-service access port or a virtual port as a testhead port. The source SAP for the service you are testing must reside on the same NE. For 7210 SAS-R devices, the testhead port and source SAP must reside on the same card.

For 7705 SAR NEs, you do not specify a testhead port; instead, test traffic is identified by a testhead MAC address specifically configured on the NE.

A testhead profile specifies the parameters for the test, including duration, line rate (CIR), burst size (PIR), frame payload details, and acceptance criteria. The values configured for acceptance criteria determine whether a test execution fails or succeeds. Profiles are created and distributed using the NFM-P policy framework. See Chapter 49, Policies overview for more information.

To prevent service disruptions when other services share the ports on which the test source SAP and remote SAP are configured, the NFM-P provides a function to move the SAPs to target ports where no services are configured. See Chapter 96, Service throughput configuration for more information.

You can use the NFM-P STM to create, save, and execute Y.1564 bidirectional tests for a configured service. You can add the Y.1564 bidirectional test to an NFM-P STM test suite as a first-run or last-run test, and you can use the test suite to schedule the test. Alternatively, you can use the Tests tab of the properties form for the service.

You can also use the NFM-P service topology map to configure or select Y.1564 bidirectional tests and view test results; see Managing OAM diagnostics from the topology view. Each test type displays results on a separate tab, except for step-load and bandwidth availability tests which display on one tab. A message is displayed when the number of results exceeds the available tabs; delete older results to allow new results to display.

Consider the following when you add the Y.1564 bidirectional test to an STM test suite.

  • Test policies are not supported.

  • Generated tests are not supported.

  • The Y.1564 bidirectional test is not NE-schedulable.

  • Parallel tests are not supported. You can run only one Y.1564 bidirectional test at a time. However, multiple test types can be run sequentially as a single test. See Y.1564 bidirectional test types in this section.

  • You cannot include CIR step-load and CIR step-load color-aware tests as part of an STM test suite.

7210 SAS considerations

The system resource profile for the 7210 SAS testhead NE must be configured appropriately. You must allocate a minimum of six entries to the ingress internal ACL MAC resource pool, and a minimum of two entries to the egress internal resource pool (ACL MAC, IPv4 or IPv6 64-bit criteria). The testhead tool uses resources from these resource pools; if no resources are available, the testhead tool cannot function. You must not allocate resources to the egress internal ACL 128-bit IPv6 criteria. See System resource profile in 7210 SAS and To configure the global system resource profile on a 7210 SAS or 7250 IXR for more information about configuring the system resource profile.

You must configure a port loopback with MAC swap on the test source port before you initiate the test; see To configure Ethernet ports. Set the Type parameter to Internal.

When you configure a testhead profile for the 7210 SAS, the Profile ID value cannot be greater than 10.

You cannot choose an L2 uplink SAP as the source SAP.

If the service you are testing is a VPLS, you must assign a static MAC to the SAP or SDP (service circuit) on the source site; see To add or modify FIB entries associated with a VPLS. Static MAC configuration is not required for Y.1564 tests on Epipe services.

For 7210 SAS-D NEs, if more than one mirror service is configured, you cannot run a Y.1564 bidirectional test.

The 7210 SAS-K supports the enhanced Y.1564 service test functionality in addition to the standard Y.1564 bidirectional test functionality. Configuration of the enhanced functionality (also called the service test testhead OAM tool) differs from the bidirectional test configuration; see Y.1564 service tests.

7705 SAR considerations

You must configure a port loopback with MAC swap on the test destination SAP before you initiate the test; see To configure Ethernet loopback for a VLL Epipe L2 access interface on a 7705 SAR. Set the Mode parameter to Internal, and enable the MAC Swap function.

Egress/Ingress scheduler mode must be set to 16-priority; see To configure scheduling on a VLL L2 access interface.

For more information about Y.1564 bidirectional tests, including restrictions and configuration guidelines, see the NE documentation.

Y.1564 bidirectional test types

The following test types are supported:

  • Single CIR

  • Single CIR color-aware

  • CIR step-load

  • Traffic policing color-aware

  • Single PIR

  • Single PIR color-aware

  • CIR step-load color-aware

  • Bandwidth availability

When color-aware tests are selected, the NFM-P provides separate test results for in-profile and out-of-profile traffic. To execute color-aware tests, the Dot1P-In and Dot1P-Out parameters must be set to values other than the default values.

CIR step-load and CIR step-load color-aware tests are run in multiple iterations based on a user-defined percentage of the configured CIR value. With each iteration, the tested CIR value is increased. The percentage determines the number of steps to run. For example, if the configured CIR is 10000 kb/s, and the CIR Step (%) is 25, then the first iteration runs a test for a CIR of 2500 kb/s (25% of the 10000 kb/s line rate). The next iteration increases the test CIR by another 25% of the configured CIR, and so on for each iteration. In this example, the test runs four iterations, until the configured line rate is tested. Each iteration runs for 3 min, regardless of the setting of the test duration. If the first iteration fails, no further iterations are performed.

When a Traffic policing color-aware test is executed, the NFM-P uses a PIR that is calculated according to the formula:

PIR = CIR + 1.25 × (configured PIR value − configured CIR value).

The original configured PIR value is restored when the Traffic policing color-aware test is complete.

Traffic policing color-aware, Single PIR, and Single PIR color-aware tests will not execute if PIR (Admin) is disabled.

Configured test parameter values can change during test execution, depending on the type of test being executed. For example, when the Traffic policing color-aware test is executed, the PIR value is modified to suit the requirements of the test. When test execution is complete, the NFM-P restores the test parameter values to their original configuration.

You can select multiple test types to run in a single test execution, except for the Bandwidth availability test. Bandwidth availability tests must be run separately.

Bandwidth availability tests

The Bandwidth availability test measures the line rate for the service. The NFM-P manages the rate values and accuracy for the test, instructs the testhead to perform test iterations, and ends the test.

The first iteration of the test uses a rate of 960,000 kb/s by default. If the first iteration succeeds, the test ends. If the first iteration does not succeed, the test runs additional iterations to narrow in on a bandwidth that approaches the maximum available rate.

When acceptance criteria are at default values, a tested rate is successful when no packets are dropped. Otherwise, acceptance criteria settings influence the success or failure of an iteration.

A user-configured accuracy value determines the end of the test. When the difference between the highest successful test rate and the lowest failed rate is within the accuracy value, the test ends. The last successful rate is displayed as the Available Bandwidth on the Y1564 Bi-Directional Test form. Each iteration of the Bandwidth availability test runs for three min, regardless of the test duration configured in the test profile. Lower values for the Accuracy parameter typically produce more iterations of the test. The NFM-P automatically ends a Bandwidth availability test if no SNMP traps are received from the testhead within a calculated time-out period.

Workflow to configure and run Y.1564 bidirectional tests

This workflow describes the high-level steps required to configure Y.1564 bidirectional tests on the NFM-P. For detailed Y.1564 bidirectional test configuration steps, see the sample procedure that follows this workflow. The service to be tested must be fully configured before running the test.

  1. For a 7210 SAS testhead NE, configure the system resource profile. Allocate a minimum of six entries to the ingress internal ACL MAC resource pool, and a minimum of two entries to the egress internal resource pool (ACL MAC, IPv4 or IPv6 64-bit criteria). See To configure the global system resource profile on a 7210 SAS or 7250 IXR.

  2. For 7210 SAS NEs, configure a port loopback with MAC swap on the test source port; see To configure Ethernet ports. Set the Type parameter to Internal.

    If you are configuring a test on a 7210 SAS-K site, enable the MAC-Swap-Enable parameter on the L2 access interface. For a VLL service, see To create a VLL L2 access interface on a terminating site ; for a VPLS, see To create a VPLS or MVPLS L2 access interface.

    For configuration of enhanced Y.1564 service tests (also called the service test testhead OAM tool) on the 7210 SAS-K, see Y.1564 service tests.

    For 7705 SAR NEs, configure an Ethernet loopback on the destination L2 access interface; see To configure Ethernet loopback for a VLL Epipe L2 access interface on a 7705 SAR.

  3. If the service you are testing is a VPLS, assign a static MAC to the SAP or SDP (service circuit) on the source site; see To add or modify FIB entries associated with a VPLS.

  4. Set the OLC state of the service to Maintenance. See the NSP System Administrator Guide for more information.

  5. Configure the testhead.

    For the 7210 SAS, select a testhead port on the test source NE.

    For the 7705 SAR, configure the Marker Source MAC Address parameter on the test source NE.

  6. Create a testhead profile and distribute the profile to the NE that contains the test-head port and the source SAP of the service to be tested.

    For 7210 SAS NEs, the Profile ID value cannot be greater than 10.

  7. Configure the Y.1564 bidirectional test in the NFM-P STM.

  8. Move SAPs as required; see Chapter 96, Service throughput configuration for more information.

  9. Add the Y.1564 bidirectional test to an STM test suite, if required; see To create an STM test suite and the overview to STM Y.1564 test configuration.

  10. Execute the test and view the results.

  11. Restore the original SAP configuration, if required.

Sample Y.1564 bidirectional test configuration steps

The following procedure lists the configuration steps that are required for this sample. See the procedures in Procedures to use the STM for complete STM configuration information. For configuration of enhanced Y.1564 service tests on the 7210 SAS-K, see Y.1564 service tests.

Prepare the service for the test


If the test source NE is a 7705 SAR, configure Ethernet loopback on the destination SAP; see To configure Ethernet loopback for a VLL Epipe L2 access interface on a 7705 SAR.

If the test source NE is a 7210 SAS, configure a port loopback with MAC swap on the test source port; see To configure Ethernet ports. Set the Type parameter to Internal.

When you configure a test on a 7210 SAS-K, MAC swap address configuration is not required. However, if you are configuring a test on a 7210 SAS-K site, enable the MAC-Swap-Enable parameter on the L2 access interface. For a VLL service, see To create a VLL L2 access interface on a terminating site ; for VPLS, see To create a VPLS or MVPLS L2 access interface.


For 7705 SAR NEs, ensure that the egress and ingress scheduler mode for the test SAPs is set to 16-priority; see To configure scheduling on a VLL L2 access interface.


If the service you are testing is a VPLS, assign a static MAC to the SAP or SDP (service circuit) on the source site; see To add or modify FIB entries associated with a VPLS.

When you configure the test on a 7210 SAS-K, static MAC configuration is not required for VPLS.


Set the OLC state of the service to Maintenance. See the NSP System Administrator Guide for more information.

Select a testhead port (7210 SAS only)


Note: You must configure the testhead port on the 7210 SAS NE that contains the source SAP of the service you need to test. For 7210 SAS-R NEs, the test-head port and source SAP must reside on the same card.

Open the properties form for the 7210 SAS NE that you need to configure.


Click on the Globals tab, then click on the Service tab.


Note: If you select a physical port as a no-service port, the port cannot contain any SAPs.

Note: Not all chassis types support virtual no-service ports. The number of available virtual ports and the port names vary depending on the chassis type. Virtual ports are not displayed on the navigation tree.

Note: You cannot select the same no-service port for more than one function.

Select a loopback no-service testhead port. Perform one of the following:

  1. Select a physical test-head port.

    1. In the TestHead Port panel, click Clear if required, then click Select. The Select TestHead Port form opens.

    2. Choose a port and click OK.

  2. Select a virtual testhead port.

    1. Enable the Use Virtual TestHead Port parameter.

    2. In the Virtual TestHead Port panel, click Clear if required, then click Select. The Select Virtual TestHead Port form opens.

    3. Choose a port and click OK.

      The available virtual ports vary depending on the chassis type and card type.


Save your changes and close the form.

Configure a testhead MAC address (7705 SAR only)


Open the properties form for the NE that you need to configure; choose the 7705 SAR NE that contains the source SAP of the service you need to test.


Click on the Globals tab, then click on the OAM tab.


On the General tab, configure the Marker Source MAC Address parameter.

Nokia recommends that you use a non-zero MAC address that is unique in the tested network.

Create a testhead profile


Note: The testhead profile is distributed to the NE using the NFM-P policy distribution framework; see Chapter 49, Policies overview. You must distribute the testhead profile for the Y.1564 bidirectional test to the source site for the service that you are testing.

Choose Tools→Y1564 Profiles→Y1654 Test Head Profile from the NFM-P main menu. The Y1564 Test-Head Profiles form opens.


Click Create. The Y1564 Test-Head Profile (Create) form opens.


Configure the required general parameters.

For 7210 SAS NEs, the Profile ID value cannot be greater than 10.

The configured PIR value must be greater than the configured CIR value.

To execute color-aware tests, the Dot1P-In and Dot1P-Out parameters must be set to values other than default.

Traffic Policing Color-Aware, Single PIR, and Single PIR Color-Aware tests will not execute if the Disable PIR check box is selected.


Configure frame payload details. You can create up to eight frame payload configurations for each testhead profile.

  1. Click on the Frame Payload tab, then click Create. The Y1564 Test-Head Payload (Create) form opens.

  2. Configure the required parameters.

    The available parameters vary depending on the option you choose for the Type parameter.

    Additional parameters are available when you configure the VLAN Tag 1 and VLAN Tag 2 parameters.

  3. Save your changes and close the form. The Y1564 Test-Head Profile (Create) form is displayed.


Configure acceptance criteria. You can create up to eight acceptance criteria configurations for each testhead profile.

  1. Click on the Acceptance Criteria tab, then click Create. The Y1564 Test Head Acceptance Criteria (Create) form opens.

  2. Configure the required parameters.

    Disable the Default check boxes to configure values other than the default values.

  3. Save your changes and close the form. The Y1564 Test-Head Profile (Create) form is displayed.


Click Apply to save the configured profile. The Y1564 Test-Head Profile (Create) form is displayed with additional buttons.


Click on the General tab, then click Switch Mode to change the configuration mode to released.


Distribute the profile to the NE that is the testhead and source site for the service to be tested. See To release and distribute a policy.

You cannot distribute a testhead profile to 7210 SAS NEs if the Profile ID value is greater than 10.

Configure and execute the test using the NFM-P STM


Note: You can only execute tests for VPLS or VLL Epipe services that are fully configured in the NFM-P.

Configure initial test settings.

  1. Choose Tools→Service Test Manager (STM) from the NFM-P main menu. The Service Test Manager (STM) form opens.

    Alternatively, you can configure tests from the service topology map, or from the Tests tab of the properties form for the service you need to test.

  2. Click Create and choose Service →Y1564 BiDirectional Test from the drop-down menu. The Y1564 Bi-Directional Test (Create) form opens.

  3. Configure the parameters on the General tab.

    You can select and execute multiple test types in a single test, except for the Bandwidth availability test. When the Bandwidth availability test type is selected, you cannot select other test types. See Y.1564 bidirectional test types.


Choose a service for the test.

  1. Click Select in the Service panel. The Select Service - Y1564 Bi-Directional Test form opens.

  2. Choose the service that you need to test and click OK. The Y1564 Bi-Directional Test (Create) form reappears with the service information and additional panels.


Configure the Source Site and SAP.

  1. Click Select in the Source Site panel. The Select Source Site - Y1564 Bi-Directional Test form opens.

  2. Choose the 7210 SAS site that contains the source SAP for the service and click OK. The Y1564 Bi-Directional Test (Create) form reappears with the Source Site information and additional panels.

  3. Click Select in the Source Test SAP section of the Source SAPs panel. The Select Source Test SAP - Y1564 Bi-Directional Test form opens.

  4. Choose the port that contains the source SAP for the service and click OK. The Y1564 Bi-Directional Test (Create) form reappears with the Source Test SAP information displayed.


Note: Configuration of the Remote Site and SAP is optional in an Epipe service because the second terminating site becomes the remote site and SAP by default. However, you must perform this step if you need to select a Remote SAP Target Port in order to move SAPs; see Stage 25.

Configure the Remote Site and SAP, if required.

  1. Click Select in the Remote Site panel. The Select Remote Site - Y1564 Bi-Directional Test form opens.

  2. Choose the site that contains the remote SAP for the service and click OK. The Y1564 Bi-Directional Test (Create) form reappears with an additional panel and the Remote Site information displayed.

  3. Click Select in the Remote Test SAP section of the Remote SAPs panel. The Select Remote Test SAP - Y1564 Bi-Directional Test form opens.

  4. Choose the port that contains the remote SAP for the service and click OK. The Y1564 Bi-Directional Test (Create) form reappears with the Remote SAP information displayed.


Configure the Forwarding Class parameter, if required.


Note: When the ports that contain the source SAP or remote SAP also contain SAPs for services other than the service you are testing, the test may have an impact on those other services. If service impact is a concern, you can choose to move the test source SAP or remote SAP to other ports that will not have an impact on services. When you move SAPs, leave the Ignore Service Impact Validations check box unselected. See Chapter 96, Service throughput configuration for more information.

If required, move the SAPs to prevent service disruptions.

  1. If service impact is not a concern, enable the Ignore Service Impact Validations parameter and go to Stage 26.

  2. Click Select in the Target Port section of the Source SAPs panel. The Select Target Port - Y1564 Bi-Directional Test form opens.

  3. Choose a port that does not have an associated service and click OK. The Y1564 Bi-Directional Test (Create) form reappears with the Target Port name displayed.

  4. Click Select in the Target Port for Remote SAP section of the Remote SAPs panel. The Select Target Port for Remote SAP- Y1564 Bi-Directional Test form opens.

  5. Choose a port that does not have an associated service and click OK. The Y1564 Bi-Directional Test (Create) form reappears with the Target Port for Remote SAP name displayed.


Choose and configure a testhead profile for the test.

  1. Click on the Test Parameters tab.

  2. Click Select in the Profile panel. The Select Profile - Y1564 Bi-Directional Test form opens.

  3. Choose a profile and click OK. The Y1564 Bi-Directional Test (Create) form reappears with the profile information and an additional panel.

  4. If the site for the service to be tested service is a 7705 SAR, configure the Performance Monitoring parameter.

    When Performance Monitoring is enabled, time-stamped test packets are generated and the test measures latency and jitter. Performance monitoring can affect throughput results for some tests.

  5. Click Select in the Payload section of the Payload and Acceptance Criteria panel. The Select Payload - Y1564 Bi-Directional Test form opens.

  6. Choose a Frame Payload configuration and click OK. The Y1564 Bi-Directional Test (Create) form reappears with the Payload information displayed.

    For services configured on 7705 SAR NEs, you can choose up to four frame payload configurations per test.

  7. If required, click Select in the Acceptance Criteria section of the Payload and Acceptance Criteria panel. The select Acceptance Criteria - Y1564 Bi-Directional Test form opens.

  8. Choose an Acceptance Criteria configuration and click OK. The Y1564 Bi-Directional Test (Create) form reappears with the Acceptance Criteria ID displayed.


Click Apply. The Prepare and Execute buttons are activated.


If you configured a target port to perform a SAP move in Stage 25, click on the General tab, then click Prepare. The Source Test SAP and Remote Test SAP are moved to the Target ports; see Chapter 96, Service throughput configuration for more information.


Click Execute to run the test. The Results tab of the Y1564 Bi-Directional test is displayed. The test appears in the list.


Choose the test from the list to view the results. The Y1564 Bi-Directional Test - Results (View) form opens. The Result Status field displays Pending until the test is complete. The test duration is configured in the test profile and is displayed in the Test Duration panel. When the test is complete, the test information is displayed.

Note: When multiple tests are selected, the Current Test Type in Execution is displayed on the General tab of the Y1564 Bi-Directional Test form. When tests are complete, the current test type displayed is None.

Note: You can stop the test execution at any time by clicking Stop Execution. The NFM-P stops the current test type and runs the next selected test type, if any.

Note: Configured test parameter values can change during test execution, depending on the type of test being executed. For example, when the Traffic policing color-aware test is executed, the PIR value is modified to suit the requirements of the test. When test execution is complete, the NFM-P restores the test parameter values to their original configuration.


To restore the moved SAPs to their original ports, click on the General tab, then click Restore; see To restore a service after a throughput configuration.

Y.1564 service tests

The NFM-P supports enhanced Y.1564 service test functionality on the 7210 SAS-K, supported FP4 or FP5 7x50, and 7250 IXR. For the 7210 SAS-K, the enhanced functionality is also called the service test testhead OAM tool. Y.1564 service tests are configured using separate profiles or templates for acceptance criteria, frame mix and payload. The tests allow for the configuration of multiple streams (also called flows), for which service performance metrics can be obtained.

Each stream can contain the following test types:

  • CIR


  • Policing

  • Performance

  • Bandwidth Availability (NFM-P-only test, not present in CLI)

Two options are available for selecting the stream order, which determines how the tests in each stream are executed. The options are:

  • Ordered

  • Parallel

When Ordered is selected, tests are executed in sequence by test type, but within each test type the tests are executed in numerical order by stream ID. For example, all CIR tests are executed, beginning with the test configured in stream 1, then stream 2, and so on. Then all CIR-PIR tests are executed, again beginning with the lowest-numbered stream ID.

When Parallel is selected, tests are executed in sequence by test type, but within each test type, the tests are executed concurrently for all streams. For example, CIR tests are executed on both stream 1 and stream 2 at the same time, followed by CIR-PIR tests on both streams.

The Performance test type always executes in parallel, regardless of the stream order option selected.

If any of the test types fails, further execution of the remaining test types is halted, and a failed result is shown for the service test.

The NFM-P provides easily-viewed test results for the overall test, and for test types and streams. You can choose to collect and manage test results as accounting statistics, using an accounting policy.

The Y.1564 service test is configured, saved, and executed in the NFM-P STM using menu options and forms that are different from the Y.1564 bidirectional tests; see Sample Y.1564 service test configuration.

See the NE OAM guides for configuration guidelines and more information about the service test testhead OAM tool.

Workflow to implement Y.1564 service tests

The following workflow outlines the basic steps required to perform Y.1564 service tests using the STM.


If required, configure an accounting policy for test results collection.


Configure profiles or templates for acceptance criteria, frame mix, and payload.


Configure the service test general parameters, to select the testhead NE stream order and test durations. Assign an accounting policy if required.


Configure service test streams to define test types and to select the required profiles or templates.


Execute the test.


View the results.

Sample Y.1564 service test configuration

The following sample procedure lists the detailed configuration steps required to configure a Y.1564 service test using the STM. See the procedures in Procedures to use the STM for complete STM configuration information.


If required, configure an accounting policy to collect and manage test results, and distribute the policy to the testhead NE; see “To configure an accounting policy” in the NSP NFM-P Statistics Management Guide. You must choose Service TestHead for the Type parameter.

Configure test profiles or templates


Note: You must distribute the test profiles or templates for the Y.1564 service test to the source site for the services that you are testing. Test profiles and templates are distributed to the NE using the NFM-P policy distribution framework; see Chapter 49, Policies overview.

If you are configuring tests for a supported FP4 or FP5 7x50 site or a 7250 IXR site, go to Stage 5

For 7210 SAS-K NEs, configure an acceptance criteria profile.

  1. Choose Tools→Y1564 Profiles→Y1564 Acceptance Criteria Profile from the NFM-P main menu. The Y1564 Acceptance Criteria Profiles form opens.

  2. Choose a profile from the list, or click Create. The Y1564 Acceptance Criteria Profile (Create|Edit) form opens.

  3. Configure the required parameters.

  4. Save your changes and close the forms.


For 7210 SAS-K NEs, configure a frame mix profile.

  1. Choose Tools→Y1564 Profiles→Y1564 Frame Mix Profile from the NFM-P main menu. The Y1564 Frame Mix Profiles form opens.

  2. Choose a profile from the list, or click Create. The Y1564 Frame Mix Profile (Create|Edit) form opens.

  3. Configure the required parameters. The default size values are defined by ITU-T Y.1564.

  4. Save your changes and close the forms.


For 7210 SAS-K NEs, configure a payload profile.

  1. Choose Tools→Y1564 Profiles→Y1564 Payload Profile from the NFM-P main menu. The Y1564 Payload Profiles form opens.

  2. Choose a profile in the list, or click Create. The Y1564 Payload Profile (Create|Edit) form opens.

  3. Configure the required parameters.

  4. Save your changes and close the forms.


For supported FP4 or FP5 7x50 NEs, or 7250 IXR NEs, configure an acceptance criteria template.

  1. Choose Tools→Y1564 Profiles→Acceptance Criteria Template from the NFM-P main menu. The Acceptance Criteria Template form opens.

  2. Choose a template from the list, or click Create. The Acceptance Criteria Template, Global Policy(Create|Edit) form opens.

  3. Configure the required parameters.

  4. Save your changes and close the forms.


For supported FP4 or FP5 7x50 NEs, or 7250 IXR NEs, configure a frame size template.

  1. Choose Tools→Y1564 Profiles→ Frame Size Template from the NFM-P main menu. The Frame Size Template form opens.

  2. Choose a template from the list, or click Create. The Frame Size Template, Global Policy(Create|Edit) form opens.

  3. Configure the required parameters.

  4. Save your changes and close the forms.

Configure general service test settings


Choose Tools→Service Test Manager (STM) from the NFM-P main menu. The Service Test Manager (STM) form opens.


Choose a test from the list, or click Create and choose Service →Y1564 Service Test from the drop-down menu. The Y1564 Service Test (Create) form opens.


Configure the parameters on the General tab.

Select the site that contains the service SAPs to be tested, and click Apply. The selected site becomes the testhead for generating test traffic.

If required, select the accounting policy configured in Stage 1.

The parameters and configurations available for a test vary depending on the type of NE that is configured for the Site.

Configure service test streams


Click on the Service Test Streams tab, where a list of service test streams is displayed.


Choose a stream from the list, or click Create. The Y1564 Service Test Stream (Create|Edit) form opens.


Configure the required parameters, and assign the required profiles (for 7210 SAS) or templates (for supported FP4 or FP5 7x50 or 7250 IXR).


Save your changes and close the form.

Execute the test and view the results


Click on the Execute button. The test runs for the duration configured in Configure general service test settings, unless a failed result is returned for a stream. Test execution stops when a test fails.


When the test is complete, click on the Results tab. A list of test results is displayed.


Choose a result from the list, and click Properties. The Y1564 Service Test Result (View) form opens.


View the overall test results.


To view the service test stream results, click on the Streams tab. A list of streams is displayed.


Choose a result from the list, and click Properties. The Y1564 Service Test Stream Result (View) form opens.


View the stream results.


Close the form.

STM Y.1564 test configuration (2024)
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Article information

Author: Rob Wisoky

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Views: 5330

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.