MORE Leaked 2023 Legacy & Studio Series Listings - Bombshell, Detritus, Devcon, More (2024)

Generations / Rumors

Phew! Keeping up with Transformers this year has been exhausting, and next year isn't going to be any lighter with all the leaked listings flowing out of the retail inventory systems recently.

Just out are more listings with product numbers from Legacy and Studio Series by way of JTPrime17. Read on to see many we've already known about and others including Legacy, Studio Series, and Capsule listings.

NOTE - As always, it is not official until Hasbro or Takara announces it. So take this as a rumor until we have the official word.

Tra Gen legacy Ev Deluxe Tarantulas Pr
Product Number: F7204

Tra Gen Legacy Ev Deluxe ShadowStriker
Product Number: F7197

Tra Gen Legacy Ev Deluxe Strongarm
Product Number: F7201

Tra Gen legacy Ev Deluxe Junkion 3
Product Number: F7199

Tra Gen Legacy Ev Deluxe Bombshell
Product Number: F7200

Tra Gen Legacy Deluxe Beachcomber
Product Number: F7196

Tra Gen Legacy Ev Deluxe Detritus
Product Number: F7202

Tra Gen Legacy Ev Deluxe Devcon
product Number : F7198

Tra Gen Legacy EV Robo WLD RDR
Product Number: F3038

Tra Gen Legacy Ev Core Thundercracker
Product Number: F7179

Tra Gen Legacy Ev Voyager Dirge Pr
Product Number: F7212

Tra Gen Legacy EV Scraphook
Product Number: F7191

Tra Gen Studio series core 86 Frenzy
Product Number: F7492

Tra Gen studio series core 86 Ironhide
Product number: F489

Tra Gen Studio series 86 Dlx Brawn
Product Number: F7236

Tra Gen studio series 86 Voyager Ratchet
Product Number: F7243

Product Number: F7145

Product Number: F7510

Product Number: F7512

Product Number3 F7513

Product Number: F7514

Product Number: F7515

Product Number F6956

Product Number : F7517

Product number: F7516

MORE Leaked 2023 Legacy & Studio Series Listings - Bombshell, Detritus, Devcon, More (2)

Data Center

Generations / Rumors

Post Date: September 16, 2022
Author: BaCon

Story Timeline (8):

  • 2022-09-30:
  • 2022-09-23:
  • 2022-09-20: Transformers Velocitron G2 Crasher, Shadowstrip More Official Images and Details
  • 2022-09-19: Transformers Legacy Velocitron Voyager Hot Rod Official Images
  • 2022-09-19: More Leaked 2023 Studio Series WFC Game Cliffjumper, 86 Brawn, ROTB Listings
  • 2022-09-17: New Leaked Listings for Studios Series WFC Prime, RED Soundblaster, ROTB Wheeljack?
  • 2022-09-17: Leaked Transformers 2023 Studio Series WFC Megatron, Voyager Ratchet, More Listings?
  • 2022-09-16: MORE Leaked 2023 Legacy & Studio Series Listings - Bombshell, Detritus, Devcon, More

Member Comments

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LordUnicron74 2022-09-23 @ 6:46 pm

IMO giving him his Target Master would have been a good idea. At least more people would probably pick him up

LordUnicron74 2022-09-23 @ 6:43 pm

IMO giving him his Target Master would have been a good idea. At least more people would probably pick him up

Lunatic Prime 2022-09-20 @ 10:00 pm

5 hours ago, BenD said:

The Velocitron Hot Rod will be a shelf warmer. He’s a minor repaint of SS86 with a couple less accessories, but at a Voyager price point. Forget it, I got SS86 and that’s all I needed. Would have considered it if it was the decepticon, shattered glass or “crystal” version, but he is basically the exactly the same as previous release.

Yea, most likely. Depends on how badly people want a toy-accurate Hot Rod and how many missed out on the SS 86 release.

BenD 2022-09-20 @ 4:59 pm

The Velocitron Hot Rod will be a shelf warmer. He’s a minor repaint of SS86 with a couple less accessories, but at a Voyager price point. Forget it, I got SS86 and that’s all I needed. Would have considered it if it was the decepticon, shattered glass or “crystal” version, but he is basically the exactly the same as previous release.

Lunatic Prime 2022-09-20 @ 2:09 pm

13 hours ago, BaCon said:

The recently leaked Velocitron Hot Rod has the covers pulled off with these new official images that have just been found. The stock images from the Walmart retail inventory database show the actual figure out and in the box. See all the images of the Wave 2 Transformers Legacy Velocitron Voyager Hot Rod in the gallery that follows.

So they used the artwork of Legacy Core class Hot Rod for his packaging...

Quautobot 2022-09-18 @ 11:27 am

I was thinking that Scraphook might be a constructicon. Hasbro could go the route of third-party companies like Magic Square and Newage and release the constructicons in the form of three two-packs. "Scraphook" could be a way of saying "Scrapper and Hook." Also, a two-pack might be the reason for it being the only listingwithout a size class.

Lunatic Prime 2022-09-18 @ 9:02 am

Scraphook seems to be the name of Junkion 1.

Joe Velez 2022-09-18 @ 2:14 am

Oh boy BaCon, I am...I am ever...I am ever so "wet" now. I am just soaking wet from all...of...these...Transformers...leaks...

I'm not quite sure that's how these kinds of things go though lol.

I'm very interested in the WFC listings provided they're the video game versions as most of us think. Generations WFC Optimus and Megatron were two of the best deluxe molds not only of their time but ever. It would be nice to see those designs as voyagers. I'd be less interested though if they did the FoC deluxe Optimus Prime design instead. I don't like that design quite as much.

RED is just so odd though. From the overall design of the figures in how the articulation works to the materials used. I get that each toyline within Hasbro has their own teams to work on them but how is it that none of the 6in action figure lines reuse concepts and designs from the others. They should be able to share notes at least if not "borrow" people from one line to work on another.

I also think the RED team should maybe take some design elements from Gundam Universe. Bandai of America sucks at most of their lines but that's one of the best out there. Hasbro could use the same joints between the majority of the figures and then just reshell them into the different characters around the joints just as the mobile suits do. You can even reuse the same parts between differently sized figures with no problem. And for the love of Primus, use better plastic. I swear they're going to melt. Not that I have many. I only have two right now, Arcee and Knockout.

Between RED and Super 7's Ultimates lines, I find the choices to be boring. I get whey they have to do who they do but if at least Hasbro marketed RED as a supplementary line to Generations then it would be for the better. If they used RED to make figures of non-transforming characters instead of non-transforming versions of characters that are supposed to be able to transform they might get more sales. Or at least, get more fans to support them. There's plenty of characters that can be used in this fashion. Pretenders, Lithonians, Quintessons, different guards throughout the series, comic only characters like Hook, Line and Sinker and so on.

That all being said though, Soundblaster does not interest me one bit. Just couldn't care less.

Joe Velez 2022-09-17 @ 12:45 am

4 hours ago, Sir_Hubris said:

Looking forward to Bombshell and Dirge. Maybe Beachcomber. I've only recently started really collecting Transformers (after a 35 year hiatus) with my main interest being G1 stuff. I currently have considerably more Autobots than deceptions so I'm eager to flesh out those ranks a bit.

Indeed that tends to happen. The bots almost always outnumber the cons. To be fair though, they always did. It is however one of the reasons why I don't mind a million seeker redecos. They're nice to have to even things out. I've also taken to purchasing multiples of certain 'cons as well. I have multiples of some of Unicron's minions. And I have three of every color Reflector bot. Three retail, three Netflix and three 3-packs. Not to mention the Sharkticons, Quintessons, Allicons and Baliffs. Gotta make up those numbers somehow. I ended up with so many 'cons, I've started to keep them as their sub factions instead of all being 'cons. So all the Quint related 'cons are all just Quints. All the Unicron Spawn/Minions/Heralds/whatever are all separate to the standard 'cons.

I just want them all though. But I came back in during Classics so I'm a more enthused by the non-G1 main cast stuff. I owned them all in the 80's, owned them all in the mid 00's and owned them all again and again ever since. So for me, it's nice to see the other iterations get some love. There's a dozen or three of some original G1 characters but only one or two options for some of these other characters they've been doing.

Sir_Hubris 2022-09-16 @ 8:10 pm

Looking forward to Bombshell and Dirge. Maybe Beachcomber. I've only recently started really collecting Transformers (after a 35 year hiatus) with my main interest being G1 stuff. I currently have considerably more Autobots than deceptions so I'm eager to flesh out those ranks a bit.

Joe Velez 2022-09-16 @ 7:50 pm

Okay so Detritus isn't one of the "Deluxe Junkions"? Or maybe he was and his name took over the placeholder name? It's just that if he isn't one of the deluxe Junkions then who is? Are they more Weaponizer type characters? Are they going to be dropped like the Energon Monsters? Just as with the Energon Monsters, I hope these are Weaponizer type characters if they still get made. I love those things. Otherwise, I'd like to see female Junkions like Nancy.

Strongarm? RID 2015 Strongarm? If so, I hope they do GoBots Smallfoot from her too.

Deluxe Devcon. I wonder if he'll get his own mold to be later retooled into someone else or be a retool of someone. If so, who? You'd think Scourge but that's a voyager. Maybe they go the way of one of his cancelled figures and he's a retool of Mirage based on the Vehicon Mirage redeco. Or maybe the other cancelled figure and be a retool of TR Slugslinger. Dammit, I hope it's not Blurr. I hate that mold. It's definitely going to be a reuse of IDW Blurr, just look at that alt mold, especially the front end. They're both even supposed to have the rear thrusters that Blurr doesn't have but people are making 3D printed kits for.

Scraphook? It doesn't even have a size class listed for it. What could this be? Not a single Transformer or GoBot has ever had that name. Oh wait, maybe a new name for Wrecker Hook? Like they can't secure the US name of Tow-Line and are using his Japanese name which they can't secure either. Or maybe they're finally using Earthrise Ironhide as Energon Tow-Line and they don't want both of them with the same name? So if Wrecker Hook, maybe have him based on Hoist? Otherwise I have nothing on what this could be. Maybe a Constructicon but no.

So there's an actual listing for Shadow Striker now and not just a misinterpreted listing? There's still no universe designation though but it's a deluxe so it's not going to be a black and red Wheelie redeco lol. So we still don't know if it's Cyberverse Shadow Striker or OTFCC Shadow Striker. I'm okay with both but I'd rather OTFCC SS so that we can get her sister as well as lead into the RID 2001 Autobot brothers with Side Burn. But only for those reasons. Character wise, Cyberverse SS wins.

The rest are what they are I guess. Not really much to talk about there.

I would be interested in Seaspray though if only to see how they make him. I just finally found a Cosmos the other day and I've been comparing him with Warpath as the original leaks said they were retools. They're obviously not but they very easily could've been. While messing with them to see how easily it would've worked, I noticed that Seaspray could also be made from either. All three should be retools of each other moving forward to save on budget since there's not many reuse options for them otherwise, Seaspray especially. This way we wouldn't have to ever worry again about not getting one due to that reason as all three would use some basic pieces and transformation and just need to be reshelled. Saving on the budget with these three would make Powerglide easier too since he's the most unique of the minibots and only maybe kinda sorta has two potential reuses in Bad Boy and Viper. One's a GoBot that isn't guaranteed to get made due to "reasons" and the other is a GIJoe crossover that was made for the Combiner Wars toyline. But seriously though, the three of them sit down with their feet becoming the front of the vehicles with their torsos becoming obvious parts of the vehicle mode with their arms as the sides of the vehicles. Seaspray is a little different in that his torso doesn't stick up from the vehicle but instead becomes the rear of the vehicle but that's fine as it's just a simple retool to do.

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