His Second Life - Chapter 1 - Kurolf (2024)

Chapter Text

Trafalgar D. Water Law hated holidays.

Although, can you hate something that theoretically doesn’t exist? No matter how you look at it, the concept of "vacation" does not exist in the pirate dictionary. Well, unless "vacation" means a trip by ship (or perhaps a submarine) enriched with a wide range of attractions, such as getting lost in a fog of poisonous gas, romantic walks on a bridge while being attacked by giant bull piranhas, and being at a constant hassle with the navy.

Bepo once confessed that pirate life was the Vacation of a Lifetime for him.

Bepo once gave the crew a Forced Vacation when he ate some suspicious kebab and got diarrhea a thousand meters below sea level. The Tang fleet weathered for a week. Half of the Heart Pirates were still traumatized to this day!

But okay, apart from the above-mentioned, it can be said that pirates did not have such ordinary, normal holidays.

That is…

Until this one guy in a straw hat became the Pirate King and invented the holiday.

If anyone asked Trafalgar, it was the worst invention in the world, but of course, damn it, no one asked him, they just dragged him into this whole holiday mess against his will. As usual!

It all started innocently - with Luffy's wedding to Hanco*ck. Law didn't know - and, truth be told, he didn't want to know - what trick the Straw Hat crew had used to convince the clueless captain to marry the Pirate Empress. In any case, for the wedding, after-party, and several other events, the Amazons of Kuja lifted their strict "no penises allowed" rule and the Heart Pirates were again able to moor on the shore of the Women Only Island. Only this time it was different. This time, Shachi and Penguin were successful in their hook-ups, and before Law could ask, ‘what the hell is going on?’ he was drinking beer at their weddings too.

And you know - with a wedding, there's also a honeymoon. That month turns into two months. Then three.. After all, it would be a good idea to enjoy your new wife before going back to sea.

Trafalgar considered himself a demanding captain, but he was not such a heartless scoundrel as to refuse his good companions when they asked him for leave with flushed cheeks. After all, it was still possible to sail without two crew members. And during these few months they didn't have to venture far at all. Islands aren't canaries, are they? They won't escape.

Yep, it was still possible without two. The problem is that once Shachi and Penguin started, the rest of the team picked up on the topic. Bepo confessed that he had not visited Zou for a long time. Jean Bart mentioned something about a friend from Giant Island. Someone was invited somewhere, someone else had something to do, and so all the Heart Pirates made their travel plans. Solo traveling!

When Monkey D. Luffy was not yet the Pirate King, you could only dream of a similar vacation! But since the idiot took over the One Piece throne, the seas became much calmer, and sailing alone was no longer associated with the vision of certain death. A person could travel peacefully without worrying that on every other island he would encounter obstacles like Big Mom's murderous kids or Caesar's dangerous gasses. Although it's hard to believe, even the Grand Line and the New World no longer aroused as much respect as they once did.

And it's not like the whole situation was some great tragedy for Trafalgar Law. Sure, the prospect of not seeing your faithful companions for three long months was awful as hell, but it was survivable. Seriously. If only they hadn't involved him in this holiday madness... If only they had left him on some nice island, where he could have been alone, passing the time by training and reading light books ("Liver transplants between humans and fishmen" looked longingly from the shelf in the cabin and demanded to be reached for a week now!))

But no! Why would anyone leave Trafalgar alone! Why would someone respect his right to organize his free time! Better to stab your own in the back and involve the Straw Hats in all this. Of course, damn it! After all, these unbalanced lunatics had such wonderful ideas for organizing "Traffy’s" free time! Why not get them involved? Great idea. Awesome!

Law gritted his teeth.

He was pissed off, damn it, more than that! His affairs were shamelessly interfered with, chaos was introduced into his carefully planned life; a terrorist attack was carried out on his free time!

That damned Pirate King, Monkey D. Luffy, and his damned crew who have nothing better to do than interfere in other people's business! Law let out an angry growl. Just let him get his hands on them! He’d switch their bodies again, only longer this time! He will do this, and then he will sail to who knows where and let these scoundrels chase him around the world, torturing themselves in each other’s skin. He won’t even give them a Vivre Card - that's how it will be! They deserve it, after what they did to him…he'll be damned if they don't deserve it!

The ship rocked dangerously and a stream of water suddenly splashed Trafalgar in the face. Weakened by the salt water, Law leaned his back against the mast and let his body slide to the floor. For a moment he simply sat still, arms crossed and knees slightly bent, letting out an irritated sigh every now and then, staring at the twinkling stars in the sky.

He was fooled like a little child! What made him decide to travel alone? Why didn't he kick himself and smell the trap when the damned Raccoon was beguiling him with false promises?

"There’s an invitation to the doctors' conference that came specially for you!" He remembered Chopper chirping. “There will be specialists from all over the world. You absolutely must go!”

‘An invitation specially for me?’ his own skeptical voice sounded in his head. “That's interesting, because last time I checked, these eggheads in coats refused to acknowledge me as one of them. The president of the World Council of Surgeons still has my wanted poster in his office and regularly throws knives at it.”

“Do you really blame him?! Why did you swap his right hand with his left?!”

“Because he was as good at operating on people as your green-haired friend at finding his way home! By depriving him of his profession, I only did the world a favor! He deserved it, that incompetent fool..."

“Uuuugh! Never mind… Just don't overthink it and go!”

"I don't see any rational reason why I would waste my time with self-righteous morons!"

“Oh, Law, come on!” - Chopper pressed - "They're going to talk about liver transplants for fishmen..." - he finished in a tempting lilt.

Damn! Damn the fishmen, especially Jinbei, who after three weddings in a row completely ruined his liver and aroused the f*cking protective instincts of the Death Surgeon!

Law couldn't stop bemoaning his stupidity - for buying that damned story too! That it didn't seem the least bit suspicious to him that the invitation came just when his crew sailed on "vacation". That he didn't find it suspicious that the Tanuki (also a doctor, no matter how you look at it) pulled some clever excuses out of a hat and didn't go to this "Conference" with him! Or that the Straw Hat crew, who couldn't sit on their asses in one place, decided not to escort him.

Idiot! Damn it, he was a complete moron!

Ha! And how close was he to becoming an even BIGGER idiot? If it weren't for that one unfortunate conversation through the snail recorder, he would have continued to swim like an oblivious fool towards the damned "Conference", unaware of the trap that had been set for him.

The truth surfaced completely by accident - when Law called Tanuki to ask about some bullsh*t.

It's not without reason that parents always told their children:

“When you end a call, make sure you hang up properly! Because if you don't, you'll accidentally spill all your plans to the guy on the other end of the line!”

Ah, Chopper and his clumsy hooves. What a relief that they never let him handle the transponder snail before. It's scary to think what would have happened if this clumsy creature with horns had hung up the phone wrong during Dressrossa. Doflamingo would become an involuntary witness to the Straw Hats' conversation!

Just as Law now became an involuntary witness to this one...

“Oh my god, he seemed so inquisitive!” – The transponder snail called out in the voice of Nami. “I thought he had seen through us.”

“I still can't believe we convinced him to sail all by himself!” said Tanuki. “When we were talking about this whole conference, he asked me a trillion questions! For a moment I thought I was going to faint.”

“Luckily you had me!” Usopp exclaimed, clearly proud of himself. “When you have the blessing of the God of Liars, even Trafalgar can be fooled! Do you remember who matched our captain with the Pirate Empress, Hanco*ck? Who deserves credit? Well, who?”

“I still can't believe you helped Hanco*ck-chwaaan marry such a chump!” howled the angry cook. “I know he's our captain and I love him, but he wasn't even on her list of suitors. While I immediately volunteered…”

“You are a volunteer for everything that has tit*.” Zorro said in a contemptuous tone.

“Do you want to volunteer to be kicked in the face, you miserable swordsman?!”

“Will you behave yourselves?!” Nami called her friends to order. When the sounds of swords and kicks subsided somewhat, she let out a resigned sigh. “Let's face it: Luffy is an idiot. He would even marry his own grandfather for a piece of meat. And since Hanco*ck sincerely loves him, everything went smoothly. Law, however, is a completely different story. Still, I'm not sure if we did the right thing by playing such a trick on him…”

"Remember, it wasn't our idea," Robin interjected. “It was his crew who came to us with a request.”

“Awww, that was SUPERRR moving!” Franky howled in the tone of a whimpering dog. “How they care for him! Such dedicated people…so dedicated! When I remember how that teddy bear and the red one and the one with the penguin hat whined that their captain was so poor, that he would be alone for three months and that even though he would pretend that he didn't care, in reality he would be so depressed and alone, and that someone will have to take great care of him. It was SUPERRR moving! Every time I remember this, I want to cry! And when they asked us to organize something for him, for him to enjoy life, because since the end of all the conflicts in the New World, he's been walking around aimlessly and tense, and it's a shame to look at him!”

Trafalgar's hand tightened on the receiver.

What?! Shachi, Penguin and Bepo said...?!

“Well…” There was a note of hesitation in Nami's voice. “After all, Franky... When they told us to organize time for him, it was... I... eh... I'm not convinced that they meant... err... this form of relaxation.”

“You say that because you are a woman!” Brook said in an expert tone.” Gentlemen have their needs, yohohohoho!”

“What needs?” Chopper was surprised.

“Exactly, what?” the green-haired swordsman snorted in an irritated tone. “Not everyone has to chase skirts like this pathetic parody of a chef.”

“Well, sure. There are also those who chase katanas.” Sanji replied maliciously. “And they still can't find them, because even if they go to the bathroom, they can't get back to the room without a map.”

“I'm about to cut off all your limbs and your physiological needs forever…”

“I told you to behave!” Nami's angry voice merged with the sound of a fist hitting two heads. “Will you two ever stop?”

"Back to the point," Robin sighed. “I know he's human, like everyone else... But I can't imagine my friend Torao looking at a naked woman differently than at a patient waiting to be diagnosed.”

“How about a naked guy?” Usopp suggested. “He always has such an inscrutable expression. God knows what he actually likes…”

The talk of nudity made Law widen his eyes. Wait a minute! Could this whole ‘Conference’ actually be...?!

“Hey, Chopper, you also got a few guys, not just girls, right?” Franky asked.

“Of course I invited guys!” the Tanuki was outraged. “First of all, like Usopp said, we don't know what Law actually likes. And secondly, if he was greeted by only women, he would definitely become suspicious.”

“I can't believe you know so many doctors," Robin said with a note of appreciation. “You have an amazing network of contacts!”

“Awww, did she say I had a network?” the transponder snail, speaking in Chopper's voice, unsuccessfully feigned indifference. “Stop praising me, Robin, you jerk... It doesn't bother me at all! I'm not blushing at all! Not at all.”

“Torao will talk to someone with similar interests,” Franky sang, “and at the same time, maybe he will be fascinated by the breasts, or the biceps, maybe the heart tattooed on his chest will shake with excitement…”

“As long as there is something to admire.” the transponder snail sighed quietly, as if he was blowing smoke from a cigarette. “I hope that pretty doctors will come there, and not some okamas…”

"Keep such shallow talk to yourself, Sanji-kun," Nami snapped. “It's what's inside that counts.”

“Especially for a doctor!” Chopper added.

“Beautiful tonsils and all that? I don't even have tonsils, yohohoho... But you know what? When I think about long-legged nurses in short skirts bending over me in the morgue, my non-existent Adam's apple feels like…”

“Aaaaargh, stop it, it's contagious!” The Straw Hat cook's moan was a mixture of pain and ecstasy. “I see it! It's in front of my eyes! If she wanted to give me an injection, I would have nothing…”

“Enough of this!” Once again Nami called Sanji to order. “Get your bloody mouth into the kitchen and start making dinner! Chopper, give him some cotton balls for his nose or something... And let's stop talking about it! We sent him there, and it happened. All we can do is keep our fingers crossed that he has a good time. And, God forbid, he doesn't find out that we were trying to match him. Just imagining his reaction makes me want to run to the other side of the world.”

“And remember, not a word to Luffy!” Usopp hissed in a tone as if he was afraid that he was being overheard (what irony!) “Fortunately, we're not idiots enough to gossip, but our dim-witted captain would tell Traffy absolutely everything, including the time we accidentally took his surgical gloves and cleaned the toilet with them. Let's keep our mouths shut and everything will be fine. Sanji, what are we eating today?”

The voices slowly began to fade away and Trafalgar's hand was shaking more and more. Finally, an enraged voice joined his jaw that was shaking with anger and his teeth chattering furiously.

“You just spilled EVERYTHING out, you stupid idiots!” Law shouted into the phone. “I heard EVERYTHING, do you understand?! And you better look for a space shuttle, because you can only dream of hiding from me on the other side of the world! I will find you in every corner of the Grand Line! You idiots are lucky I didn't have to put on those gloves and touch your organs, because every last one of you would have died from bacteria! Damn, there was so much talk about not touching my stuff! Just wait until I get you!”

There is silence on the other side. Have the Straw Hats left the living room?

“Anyway, if you think I'm going to this pseudo-conference of yours, you're goddamn mistaken! I'm turning back now! I'm not interested in any breasts, or biceps, or damn tonsils! And just try to get involved in my affairs again, then... then…”

He was contemplating a threat that would seem terrible enough, but he was extremely lacking in creativity. Besides, he was probably lashing out for nothing, because his snail recorder was standing alone in an empty room on Thousand Sunny.

Angry at himself for abandoning his usual dignified expression, Trafalgar blushed and hung up with an angry click of his tongue.

Maybe it's a good thing that the Straw Hats didn't hear this outburst? If they had heard, they would have grabbed their legs and run away to who knows where. And then he wouldn't be able to punish them in some nasty way - which would be a disappointment. Oh, yes, they'll be SO surprised when he boards their ship in two days! Instead of a Medical Conference, he will hold a private conference on transferring people into bodies that are not their own. He will check which combination is the most deadly and write down his conclusions. Luffy himself will be punished too... ha! This stretchy idiot may not have been part of the conspiracy, but he's the captain of this lousy bunch! The captain should take responsibility for the crew's antics. Damn hell he should!

Still panting slightly from his recent tantrum, Law turned the controls. Oh, was there really no chance of reaching his destination in less than two days? His tattooed hands were itching to ruin the Straw Hats now! Eh, Trafalgar couldn't handle the co*ke-fueled ship that Cyborg-ya had made for him. If it were a normal ship with a sail, there would be no problem. On the other hand, a normal ship would not be able to cope in such waters.

The truth was, these were dangerous as hell waters. On the map he got from Nami they were listed under the name Wind Waters. Of course, they were not as dreadful as the Grand Line itself, but they still had a very bad reputation, and Law had heard legends about them even when he was a child. They were located in the southern part of the North Blue, just above the Calm Belt, and had a reputation as an area where no one except the Navy went. It was probably the last place on earth where there were almost no pirates at all. But not because of the Marine patrols. The biggest problem was the wind, invisible to the eye, raging at a height of ten meters, which could turn any sail into a torn sheet. Its power was so great that it discouraged even the Newscoo messengers carrying the World's Newspaper from traveling in them. The islanders of Wind Waters apparently read few newspapers and were considered as uninformed as the inhabitants of Wano.

Not that any of this discouraged Law in any way. He knew that whatever happened, he would be able to handle it. Cora-san taught him everything about sailing alone…

Feeling a slight tightness in his chest, Trafalgar pulled his cap down over his nose. A wave of bittersweet memories flooded his mind - Corazon's stupid grin and the sour face of the little boy who didn't want to hear about ropes, winds, currents, or anything at all. Why would it be useful to him? Why would he ever sail on his own? Why would he live to travel alone?

But I survived, Cora-san, he thought, looking towards the stars. – Although the odds were against me, I survived.

Sighing, he sat down on a crate of provisions.

How long had it been since he last felt depressed thinking about this man? When you traveled around the world in the company of faithful friends, experiencing adventures every day, it was easier to avoid similar situations.

Is this why Bepo and the others turned to the Straw Hats? Because they knew that if their captain was left completely alone, he would have more time to think and... reminisce?

The earlier anger was replaced by bitterness. Law suddenly felt intense self-loathing. What a pathetic creature he must have been if his friends decided to do such a thing to him! He didn't even blame them at the moment - if anything, he blamed himself. So this is what he ultimately became? A man who was considered so unhappy that others felt a moral obligation to care for him like a small child?

Why did they even care what he felt? He didn't have any grudges against anyone - he agreed to their damn vacation, right? He didn't ask anyone to take care of his life at that time! These are his feelings and he knew how to deal with them on his own. He would rather others leave him alone. Instead of all of them acting like Cora-san or something...


A quiet hum stopped Law from sinking into another painful memory. It sounded like the sound of a co*ke-powered ship. Still, the sensitive ears of the Surgeon of Death told him that his own ship did not make that noise. There had to be another one somewhere nearby.

The tattooed hand instinctively rested on the hilt of the sword. Alerted, gray eyes looked around his surroundings. Was it the Navy?

The sound was getting louder. Being a master of quick assessment, Law concluded that his means of transport could also be heard by the other party, so he turned off the engine. The wheels, running at full speed, slowly began to slow down until they stopped completely. Now the only sounds were those powering the other ship, still out of sight. Judging by the loudness and frequency of the squelches, it was a much larger object than the little thing Franky had constructed.

Even though he was effectively keeping his cool, Law was starting to get worried. He and his ship were stuck motionless, in complete darkness, in the middle of a great ocean, and somewhere nearby lurked an enemy of unknown numbers and unknown intentions.

If Straw Hat were here, he'd probably say something like:

"Enemy? But why an enemy in the first place? Torao, come on, he's probably a friend who wants to get to know us better! We need to find him right away and invite him to dinner!”

Imagining Luffy smiling made Law shake his head. The Straw Hat's optimistic approach to every situation, even extremely dangerous ones, aroused both fear and admiration in him. He himself couldn't find even a shred of optimism in himself. Especially since he had to add fog that appeared out of nowhere to his list of worries. It spread throughout the area incredibly quickly - it soon spread to Trafalgar, effectively reducing visibility.

This isn't the Grand Line, Law remembered. Such sudden weather changes are not typical for this part of the world.

If Mother Nature didn't send the fog, it could only mean one thing. Realizing what this meant, the Death Surgeon sharpened his haki.

Devil Fruit User!

Probably someone from the ship that finally came into view. In very close range. Law didn't notice it until they were a few meters away from each other. A row of cannons glared menacingly from a ship the size of the Thousand Sunny.

Maybe we can still avoid confrontation? Maybe they won't notice me at all?

Trafalgar quickly dispelled any illusions that he would get an affirmative answer to any of these questions. Like Franky's ship, the enemy ship had no sails - so it knew to keep out of the wind and knew these waters. Cannons were peering out at Law from the wooden hull. What's more, there were…

What the Death Surgeon initially thought was a window turned out to be a large, living eye that glared at him, squinting slightly as if to get a better look at him. Trafalgar immediately thought of Robin's ability. Her hands protruded from material objects in exactly the same way as this eye. Another user?! Now that he's noticed Law, then...


That's what he wanted to scream, but he knew that shouting curses wouldn't save his life, so instead he said firmly:


The sound of a fuse being lit could be heard from somewhere above.


Instead of his own voice, he heard the roar of a cannon. Landing on the side of the enemy ship, he managed to see Franky's ship falling to pieces. Robot-ya will be inconsolable... Damn!

At least twenty intruders were visible through the fog, the moon casting a faint glow over their silhouettes. Law let out an irritated hiss. It was the worst possible situation! For more than one reason.

First, Franky's ship sank. Which meant that if Trafalgar didn't want to end up at the bottom of the ocean, he would have to take over this ship. And he saw no other way to do it than to kill all these guys.

Secondly, if he intended to take over the ship, he couldn't damage it. This means he won't be able to act as boldly in his Room as he usually did. It is true that he could cut down enemies with surgical precision, but taking out such a large number of enemies without damaging a single mast would require constant concentration.

Thirdly – this damn fog! It would limit visibility even during the day, let alone at night.

Fourth, fifth, and sixth - he was in someone else's territory, the enemy's capabilities were a mystery to him, and knowing his lousy luck, there were more devil fruit users lurking in the dark than two from the eye and the fog.

“Well, well... who do we have here?” a female voice spoke with laughter.

Law's brain was racing.

A predator who likes to chat before devouring its prey? This suits me very well. A talking rag always gives you some time to strategize. I'll try to remember the arrangement of items on board. This will be useful to me.

He turned to the stranger standing in the dark. He still didn't draw his sword, but he didn't take his hand off the hilt even for a moment.

“I don't introduce myself to people I don't plan to make friends with” he drawled in an icy tone. “And wrecking someone's ship doesn't necessarily promise a long and beautiful friendship.”

“Ship?” the woman laughed. “We thought it was a boat. A bit of a small means of transport for such a long journey, isn't it?” the men gathered around also chuckled. “But why do you pretend you don't know us? After all, we are good friends. You've grown a lot, young wind master... you surprised us by escaping the Navy! And that you were brave enough to swim out to meet us instead of hiding like a coward on an island. It's a pity you didn't take your little sister, the Witch. You remember how much she means to us?”

Law's eyes widened, just for a moment.

What was that supposed to mean? He didn't remember letting these guys know he had anything to do with the wind. And the sister? Well... It so happened that yes, he did have a sister. A dead sister whose ashes were in the same place as the ruins of Flevance Hospital. But, even when she was alive, he probably didn't call her a witch. Well, maybe a few times - when she scribbled flowers on his medical textbooks and blamed it all on the elves. But that didn't matter at the moment. The conclusion was obvious:

“I think you're confusing me with someone else.”


This statement seemed to catch her off guard.

“Don't try to play with us, Wind Boy. We know it's you! If you think a stupid lie like that will save you, you've probably forgotten how we treated you last time.”

That's what she said - but her voice trembled slightly, which made it clear that she wasn't sure after all. The others also lost their cool.

“Maybe it's not him after all?” they whispered among themselves.

“Are you sure you took a good look at him, Ms. Suzie?”

The woman muttered something under her breath, and a large eye appeared on the barrel next to Law - exactly like the one he had seen earlier. Oho? So that's her ability!

"Let's take a closer look at you," Suzie murmured. “Yeah... now that I look at you, you're really not the one we're looking for. On the other hand,” a malicious smile of purple-painted lips loomed in the darkness. “It's good that we caught you, boy. If you reported to the Navy that you saw pirates here, our grand plan would be ruined. I'm sorry, but your adventure ends here. Don't worry... If you don't struggle, we will kill you painlessly.”

This time it was the corner of Law's mouth that turned up.

Okay, time to end this! He already had a strategy in mind, and he was honestly bored with this woman.

“It’s good that you caught me…” with a hint of mockery in his voice, he repeated the woman's earlier words. “Are you sure about that?”

“And why not?” The woman shrugged. “How do you say it? ‘You would like a catfish, but even a small minnow would do’?”

“Do you know what saying I heard?” The sword was drawn from its scabbard so quickly that an ordinary person would not have been able to see it. “Be careful where you fish, you might accidentally catch a shark.”

He didn't give them time to answer, or even to think - he had already activated Room, so he didn't have to hold back. With a few neat movements, he cut the closest opponents into pieces. The air was filled with panicked screams:

“What happened?! What's going on?!”

“Kyaaaah! I got cut!”

“What the hell?! I can still move!”

“My legs! MY LEGS! My legs are THERE and I can still FEEL them!”

Law ran along the deck, taking out more enemies while being careful not to damage the ship. It was true that he didn't know anything about these guys, but everything pointed to the fact that - luckily! – they didn't know anything about him! Which meant he wasn't completely without an advantage.

Maybe he won't have to fight that fiercely at all? Maybe the shock of his Ope Ope no Mi will be enough to take them all out without putting himself in any immediate danger?

“Mirror!” Suzie shouted.


Damned optimism! Law thought as he narrowly dodged a bullet.

It was shot by a guy who had his back to him and theoretically shouldn't have seen him. It was the woman's power that enabled him to attack. Under the influence of the ‘Mirror’ command, the eye glued to the ship turned into a mirror. It was also important that the shooter was not an ordinary average person - although he was fat and bald, he moved surprisingly fast. He didn't stop raining bullets on Law even for a moment.

“Get him, Big Shot!” Suzie shouted. “He can't escape!”

Trafalgar quickly found out that using ‘shambles’ and moving behind this man's back made no sense at all. When Law tried to cut him from behind, he fired a burst of bullets without even turning around. It's no wonder, since the entire deck was covered in Suzie's eyes. Oh, what a pain in the ass!

“I'm the best shooter in the world!” the guy boasted in a loud voice. “It doesn't matter whether I'm standing sideways or backwards, whether I'm above or below someone. If I know where the target is, I will always hit it... Oh no, sorry, I'll fry it! After all, I'm a chef and I have to serve people the best. Try my Super Waffles!”

He took out a machine from his coat that, depending on your point of view, could resemble a shield, or a nine-barreled gun. They all fired at the same time!


This time Law swapped the bullets, not himself. And then he cut his opponent in half.

You're not the best shot, he thought, panting slightly. My friend Nose-ya causes much more trouble!

After this guy, he met a few annoying guys with clubs and a big guy who knew martial arts and was quite skillful in dodging. It took him a while, but he cut them up too. But that didn't mean he could let his guard down! Even before he started this fight, he had concluded that it was not the skills of his opponents that would pose the biggest problem for him, but the overall numbers of the enemies. He would have dealt with them all much faster on land! But here…

“Please, please,” sang a completely new opponent. “First teleportation and now telekinesis? Your Devil Fruit is a real wonder, isn't it? Our captain is allergic to guys like you. Although I'm sure he wouldn't be offended if he could eat a fruit as powerful as yours. I wonder if you fly up into the air, will it pop out of your belly?”

A paper airplane with a trace of red lipstick suddenly flew out of the fog.


Law quickly moved the object to the other side of the deck. And it's a good thing he did, because the damn thing immediately exploded... no, wait! How was that a good thing?! It wasn’t! A large part of the ship went to hell! Didn't this idiot understand that if he sunk Law, he would also sink himself and the rest of the crew?!

Suzie felt the same way.

“Art, you idiot!” she hissed. “We've told you so many times not to use your abilities while we're on the ship! Do you want to drown us all?!”

“I'm sorry…” the guy named Art sighed in the tone of a hurt girl. “I got carried away. I won't do it again!”

Trafalgar's hand tightened on the hilt of his katana, and the Death Surgeon pursed his lips. Damn... he didn't want to do 'This' so quickly because he still hadn't found the Fog Guy and the Captain of all this mess, but since idiots like that were running around the ship, he had little choice. He didn't believe that the idiot called Art had learned from his mistake - judging by the determination with which he was arranging a piece of paper to form another plane, he would probably miss the charge against Law again. And while the Captain of the Heart Pirates was confident that he would survive such an attack, he was not sure whether he was smart enough to save himself without damaging the ship.

No, there is no point in waiting… He will do ‘It’ now!


Taking advantage of the opportunity that Suzie was busy glaring at her slow-witted friend, he moved behind her back. She saw him through one of her large eyes and turned, but she wasn't fast enough. Law's free hand shot forward.


The woman's purple lipstick lips let out a terrified scream. A heart cut out with a ‘scalpel’, wrapped in a semi-transparent cube, rolled on the floor. Trafalgar intended to use it to blackmail the crew.

He wasn't like Straw Hat. Instead of a blind charge, he preferred a cool assessment of the situation. The fight against such a large number of opponents would last forever. He'll just take the heart of this old woman, who was probably one of the officers, and force these guys to take him to the nearest port. He just needs to grab the cut organ... He'll make it!

He held out his hand. He was about to use his Shambles when his haki alerted him to dodge an attack from the right. Instinctively, he raised his black-enhanced arm to block his opponent. He expected a sword or a kick - the haki armor should be enough for something like that. But it wasn't enough! Law made a huge mistake and, unfortunately for him, realized it when it was too late.

The weapon used by the opponent was not a sword. It was a whip that caught Trafalgar's wrist with the same force with which the Kuja snakes grabbed their prey - so hard that it left a mark! Law gritted his teeth.


And then it hit him - that distinctive wave of energy. This characteristic weakness that afflicted him whenever he immersed himself in salt water. That feeling of helplessness he felt when he was riding with Straw Hat on the back of a big bull, back then in Dressrosa, and he knew then he could do absolutely nothing because he was restrained by the handcuffs. Those handcuffs… and now THIS WHIP…!

  1. But it's impossible... He's never heard of such a thing. This whip is…?!

Law only had time to look at his enemy. A guy with a bushy beard who looked really nasty. He had something of Doflamingo in his eyes, even though they looked completely different. Whoever he was, this lousy fellow could easily guess what Law was wondering. He willingly answered the question in his mind.

“Yes,” he confirmed with a malicious smile. “It's sea prism stone.”

And then he brandished his whip.

No, Trafalgar thought with horror. – This is NOT happening!

One move. The mysterious stranger only needed one move to put him in the worst... the most terrible situation that could be dreamed of in nightmares!

Law was hanging in the air, just above the dark surface of the water, and the enemy's weapon was cutting painfully into his hand. Apart from the part that wrapped around the wrist, the entire whip was completely stiff, giving the impression that the Surgeon of Death was suspended from a fishing rod.

He flinched, feeling a tug around his shoulder. He still held his sword in his other hand, but he had no chance of reaching his enemy with it. He felt the cool wind seep through the buttons of his shirt and lick the heart tattooed on his torso. The ship continued to move forward, the spinning wheels splattering Trafalgar's trousers with water droplets. And when he felt the first wetness on his legs... when he looked down and saw the waves crashing against the wood, their mercilessness and darkness - then it fully hit him.

He was a move away from the water. The sea water, which is deadly to every Devil Fruit user. One move and he will fall into this dark depths and go to the very bottom. One move and... he dies!

He was overcome with fear that he had not felt even during the fight with Doflamingo.

Cora-san! – he thought without thinking.

The fog surrounding them suddenly gathered into a tight cloud and formed the shape of a man. The Devil Fruit user materialized into his normal form.

So Logia after all! Law realized. - I don't know what ability this is, but it looks similar to the one Caesar used.

The person with the ability himself was completely unlike Caesar. She turned out to be… a woman. It was hard to tell much about her appearance in the moonlight, but unlike the unconscious Suzie, she seemed very old. Or at least she slouched like an old woman. Her voice was also quite croaky.

"It was so close, Captain Sony," she said to the guy with the whip. “If the visibility was a little better, that bastard might have spotted you sooner. And then we would be done for! I hope I will finally be appreciated! I don't want to be called Boring Sidekick all the time.”

“I don't understand what you're talking about, Chorizo.” A nasty smirk appeared on Sony's face. “I never said your power was useless. I would rather say that it is wonderful... Invaluable!”

“Awww, I'm going to blush!”

“However,” At this moment, the Captain turned his cold gaze on Law. “not as spectacular as our guest's power. Compared to the insignificant worm plums, this particular Devil Fruit is truly nutritious and juicy. A real diamond among precious stones. Ope Ope no Mi… isn't it?”

He gave his victim an expectant look, but Trafalgar remained stubbornly silent. Even if he was on the verge of death, he wasn't going to beg for his life. Or dance when these guys play music for him. They can go to hell, f*cking…


So Sony had another whip - the same as the one he used to hold Law down. And he just used it to punch the victim in the stomach. Trafalgar let out a soft hiss of pain.

“Here on North Blue,” Sony drawled, narrowing his eyes slightly, “there is a certain culture. When someone asks you something, you should answer.”

He swung to strike again, but this time Law was prepared. He blocked the attack with his sword. The whip wrapped around the blade.

"Then I'll answer you this," he panted, still steadying his breathing from the earlier hit. “Be careful what you do with your precious weapon. A moment of inattention and you will fall into the water with me. Something tells me you don't want that.”

Sony quickly withdrew the second whip.

“Unlike you, I am not a user.” He looked into Trafalgar's eyes with a strange, hard to describe envy. “so I wouldn't go down like a stone. But you're right, the thought of a cold bath doesn't make me enthusiastic. Or rather: I don't want to take any risks. I better not tease you. After being so lucky to catch a user of one of the most powerful fruits in this world, it would be a shame if I didn't manage to kill you now... wouldn't it?”

Law didn't answer. He wondered what exactly it was that he saw in Sony's eyes. After thinking about it, it probably wasn't the same as what Doflamingo had in his monstrous eyes. In the case of the guy standing next to Trafalgar now, it wasn't a psychopathic flash of madness. Not the desire to crush the entire world, but something much more primitive. Something more... down to earth.

‘Unlike you, I am not a user.’

Could it be jealousy?

“I thought it was the fruit of teleportation, boss.” The top of the Big Shot crawled to the captain. “But this devilishness turned out to be something much worse! It left me with no legs and I'm still alive! What's more, Suzie... She... Her heart was cut out... it’s still beating!”

“A truly fascinating skill.” Sony smacked softly. “In the hands of someone more ruthless, downright deadly. I will even venture to say that it is as valuable as the one that was stolen from me.”

Law's fear was replaced by curiosity for a brief moment.


However, Sony did not explain what it meant. Instead, he whispered, with a mixture of bitterness and pomposity.

Ope Ope no Mi. A truly wonderful fruit... it's a pity that it has already been eaten.”

“It can be eaten again.” Art took the origami he had folded and brought it to his lips as if he wanted to kiss it. “If we kill him…”

“Stop this now, idiot!” Big Shot somehow lifted his torso high enough to take the item from his friend. “Everything you kiss explodes a few moments later! Don't try to throw your paper nasties at this guy. It's too close to the ship! If you hit him, we'll get hit too.”

“Oh my! Sorry, I didn't think…”

“Art, Art, we've explained so many times that Devil Fruits don't jump out of the stomach of a dead person.” Sony said to his stupid subordinate in a surprisingly patient tone. “You could care to remember, for once.”

“Ugh, so we won't be able to take his fruit?! Meeeeeh! It's unfair! But then, what do we do with him? We have to do something, right? Rightaa?”

"Well," Misty Old Lady Chorizo smiled slyly. “I'm old, so I know a lot of pirate sayings. And my favorite has always been ‘if you can't have it, you should drown it.’”

“Coincidentally, that's also MY favorite saying!” Sony looked at Law again. “When you told Suzie you were a shark, I wondered if you were just bragging. And then I saw your Ope Ope no Mi in action and with a sad heart I had to admit that you are a real big fish. But you know what, Mr. Big Fish... even predators end badly when they wander away from the pod. A deadly harpoon may be waiting for you in the most inconspicuous waters.” The owner's thumb caressed the handle of the whip. “And it so happens that I have a weapon in my hands that can tame any, even the most dangerous, beast! No Devil Fruit User…”

"It won't work," Trafalgar gasped.

“Excuse me?!” His captor knitted his eyebrows menacingly.

Law moved the fingers of his trapped hand, testing how tight the whip's grip was. Unfortunately, it was very strong.

“I said it wouldn't work.” he repeated, giving the enemy a provoking smile. “A mediocre like you can use a one-of-a-kind deadly weapon to compensate for not having a Devil Fruit and still be a total weakling. A man like you can use this weapon to surprise and injure an opponent who is much stronger than himself. But that's all. There's nothing more you can do. You harpooned me, but you also caught yourself. Do you know why? Because you're too stupid to kill me. You won't be able to do this effectively. You're bound to mess something up. Even if the only thing you have to do is release my wrist and let me fall straight into the water.”

Teasing a predator holding you by the throat was never the best idea - so an outside observer might consider Trafalgar's behavior as a sign of madness. But Law knew exactly what he was doing. He knew it was HIS chance. His ONLY chance.

The Surgeon of Death secretly hoped that the captain of the enemy ship would be provoked. That he would release his impudent victim's wrist to prove to him that even with the sneezing power of Ope Ope no Mi, against the overwhelming power of the ocean, Tragalgar was just like any other Devil Fruit User.

Law could see how badly Sony wanted to do this. In his mind he encouraged him to do so:

Come on, you stupid piece of muscle with an annoying weapon. Release me! Come on, drop me!

If only that stupid whip would stop gripping his wrist! Before falling into the water, Trafalgar would have time to activate his Room and transport himself back to the deck. This is how it had to end. There was no other option!

Sony stood still for some time, deep in thought. Although he didn't seem particularly concerned, a single bead of sweat rolled down his temple. The crew members gave him uncertain glances. And finally, after a full minute of reflection, the bearded man's lips, pursed into a thin line, turned into a cold smile.

“I will remember you as the most demanding opponent, Mr. Big Fish.” Sony said to Law. “After all, no opponent has ever forced me to sacrifice one of my precious weapons.”

Trafalgar's eyes widened.

WHAT?! Wait... he's not going to…?!

And yet he did. Although it seemed absurd - after all, a seastone whip must have been something very rare and incredibly difficult to obtain - Sony did not hesitate to sacrifice it to kill Law.

With a look of horror on his face, the Heart Pirate Captain watched as his opponent's fingers released the hilt one by one. With the whip still wrapped around his wrist, Trafalgar fell towards his death.


He couldn't shout ‘Room’, so he cursed. In a desperate reflex, he plunged his sword into the side of the ship. The blade cut a good chunk of wood before it finally stopped. Law's knees were now in the sea. Hell! He needed to get rid of this whip as soon as possible...


“He stuck his sword into the ship!”

“Shoot him!”

Trafalgar still hadn't freed his wrist. Moreover, he realized that he was unable to pull himself up enough to pull his legs out of the cold water. The sea had an influence not only on the Devil Fruit's powers - also on himself. It made him feel weak… as if half the neurons that made connections in his brain and his muscles had suddenly stopped working.

Even though he had no idea how to use it, he managed to use the coiled whip to deflect the bullets flying at him. Unfortunately for him and his enemies, most of the deflected bullets hit the ship.

“Idiots!” Chorizo croaked. “You will sink us!”

"They aim like my grandma," Big Shot hissed. “Where are my legs? Where are they?! Damn it, I'm not going to look for them now... Art, pull me up. I'll shoot the bastard myself!”

“It's getting done! Make a beautiful hole in his forehead. Oh, I know now! I'll kiss your gun, just for good luck.”

“What? NOOO! Moron, don't do it because…”

Too late. Law looked up. He couldn't see what exactly was happening on the ship, but he was able to see one important detail - a gun with a bloody lipstick mark on it. The sounds it made sounded suspiciously like a bomb ticking.

“YOU DUMBASS, WE’RE FINISHED!” Sony shouted at his subordinate.

“What are you waiting for? It's about to explode! Throw it overboard!”

Trafalgar widened his eyes and gritted his teeth.

sh*t… sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!

He looked around his surroundings, searching for something, anything , that could save him. The remains of the ship Franky had built were still bobbing in the water. Now or never!

Law mustered all the willpower he had ever possessed, pulled his legs up, planted his boots against the ship, and at the same time, drawing his sword from between the planks, he pushed hard. Luck was on his side because he landed on the remains of the mast. But he didn't even have time to breathe a sigh of relief, because at that moment the gun thrown overboard touched the water surface.


It was hard for Trafalgar to say what exactly happened after the explosion. He remembered that the water shot up like lava from a volcano. After that, he remembered almost nothing - only his hands desperately clutching a piece of wood, the whip still cutting into his wrist, and being battered by the waves created by the explosion. By some miracle he didn't lose consciousness, but he might as well have, because he was about as aware of his surroundings as Straw Hat was after a week of fasting. Only after some time, when the sea calmed down a bit, did he manage to muster some energy to open his eyes.

There was no enemy ship or annoying fog nearby. There was nothing at all. Just a dark, endless ocean…

A chill ran down Law's neck. The Captain of the Heart Pirates couldn't remember a single situation in which he felt such extreme fear. Well, maybe then, in that box, when he was so afraid for Corazon... When he listened to the conversation with Doflamingo and was afraid that the worst would happen.

And then the worst happened - six bullets were put into the person most dear to Law.

Trafalgar dug his nails into the wood.

Cora-san! – he thought desperately.

Why did this man have to haunt his mind at the most inconvenient times? Why now , when Law shouldn't be taking stupid sentimental trips back in time, but thinking! Think about how to save yourself.

Because it wasn't a hopeless situation, was it? This could NOT be a hopeless situation! He was holding on to the mast, right? He wasn't at the bottom of the sea yet. He was sure he can come up with something!


A terrifying thought suddenly struck Trafalgar. Maybe he won't be able to save himself at all? Maybe remembering Corazon meant that the end was near? The natural reflex of a dying person. Was that why Law thought so hard about the person who loved him, who saved his heart and soul, who, in just a few months, made him want to live again? Was that why he was now thinking about the smile of this wonderful dead person? Because he was about to die?

He gritted his teeth. He imagined that he was holding in his hands a rope that connected him to the world of the living. He won't let go! He won't do it!

Think, Law… think! There's definitely something you can do. Take it easy. Step by step. First you need to free your wrist from the cursed whip. Okay, you did it. And what now? Throw the damn thing away? No, wait! Someone once said that the Navy encases its ships in seastone to keep the Sea kings away. Maybe this whip will also work as a deterrent?

To find out, he had to immerse the weapon in water. And preferably in such a way that he didn't have to touch it later. Trafalgar was already dizzy enough from being submerged in the sea - he didn't want to further burden his body with constant contact with sea prism stone. What if he tied the damn thing to a mast?

Law set about implementing the plan. Somehow he succeeded, though at the cost of some terrible moments of terror. It's not easy to hold on to the wood, not let go of the sword, and at the same time have fun bending an eyesore made of sea stone. There were so many moments when he almost dropped off the mast! There were so many moments when he was surprised by a larger wave and plunged his head into the water!

When he finished tying the whip, he simply lost his strength. Squinting his eyes unconsciously, he pressed his cheek against the wood.

The stars twinkling in the sky made him want to drift off to the land of dreams. The softly roaring waves sounded a bit like a lullaby. But Law knew he couldn't sleep - it would mean certain death!

The depths seemed to call to his body. It was as if dozens of invisible hands had emerged from the seabed, stretching out their claws and grabbing the Surgeon of Death by the legs, trying to pull him from the mast. He couldn't let them do that! He devoted all his energy to not losing consciousness.

Cora-san would be proud to see how fiercely he fought for his life - that was one and only comforting thought. The only light in the darkness. The only barrier that stood between Law and despair.

The man's half-squinted eyes rested on his fingers, or more specifically, on the letters forming the word "Death".

He was a doctor. The name of his greatest enemy was "Death" - he was not going to surrender himself or his patients to this particular enemy! As long as he had enough strength, he will fight it. He will never again be that terrified boy from the White City who read the diagnosis in his parents' records and accepted his fate like a docile lamb. Never again… never!

He gripped the piece of wood tighter and flinched as a splinter cut under his skin.

He knew that one day he would lose. It was the law of nature - one day he would fail and die. But not here. Not like this! Not in this cursed, cold sea, far from his loved ones, with only a piece of the mast for company!

Oh God... He didn't want to die such a completely stupid, meaningless death! If he could choose, he would probably choose to die at the hands of Doflamingo, back then in Dressrosa. At least he would know that he was dying for someone and something. He would give his life to contribute to the death of a monster that oppressed innocent people. His fall wouldn't have to be heroic, really. If he was crushed by Kaido or another strong opponent, he might accept it too. Then he would serve his allies and do someone a favor.

It was clear that death awaited him. Just not here...not now! Anything but the bottom of the ocean! Anything but emptiness and darkness and a horizon where there was absolutely nothing.

Law hugged the mast as if the stupid piece of wood were not just an object but a living thing, a friend. He knew he was going to have a rough night...


The sky turned pale pink. Several seagulls flew over the water, squawking terribly. The sun would rise soon.

A man in a plush white hat drifted in the sea with his arm slung over a beam. There were dark circles under his eyes and his skin was completely blue. One of the hands was tightly gripping a long katana, the other was glued to the wood. A sea prism stone whip tied to the beam trailed behind him like a strange sea serpent.

The increasingly loud bird calls encouraged Law to raise his head for the first time in many, many hours. The Captain of the Heart Pirates forced his extremely exhausted mind to make an effort.

Seagulls… There shouldn't be any seagulls here. Due to strong winds, birds do not fly here. They can't be here! Unless…

A long strip of green glimmered on the horizon. Trafalgar's eyelids widened in shock.


It's was neither a dream or a hallucination. There really was an island there! It was close enough to see the palm trees dancing in the wind.

Law inhaled sharply. His eyes were wide, like those of a traveler who, after many days of wandering through the desert, had spotted an oasis and was unsure whether it was a real sight or the first sign of madness. Without thinking about what he was doing, he started swinging his legs vigorously.

The island... he must swim to it! Faster! Come on… just a little bit more! Just a little more and he will be saved.

No, it's not like that, he realized after some time.

The distance between him and the island was not ‘a little’ at all. He was moving his legs like crazy, and the green wasn't getting any closer.

It was stupid from the beginning. The sea currents were too strong, and the influence of the sea itself on the Devil Fruit User was too significant. Law would sooner collapse from exhaustion than reach his destination!

So, what to do? Wait for help? Look out for a ship? But will any come at all? If Nami-ya was right, almost exclusively the Navy sailed in these waters. And, as it turned out, pirates with an asshole for a captain. But it doesn't matter now! Even if a ship were to arrive any moment, then… then… Law wasn't sure how much longer he could last.

The whole night on the open sea exhausted him physically and mentally. He knew his body well and could tell when he was approaching his limit. If his premonitions weren't wrong, he could lose consciousness at literally any moment! His strength was like a scarf that had been grabbed by both ends and stretched with all its might until the fabric began to tear. Only a few threads left. Five at most. How could Law use them? What to do to save yourself?!

Devil Fruit Powers. Well, in a moment of danger, he always thought about them first. Except now he'll have to do without the ability. With his body half submerged in the water, Ope Ope no Mi was about as useful to him as a bikini in the middle of a glacier.

Although... on the other hand?

He didn't intend to perform miracles. He didn't have to fight an opponent twice as strong or operate on five patients at once. It's just a stupid teleportation from point A to point B. The island wasn't that far away. If he managed to climb up the unfortunate mast and emerge from the water just a little bit... Well... Using the Devil's powers with his body partially submerged in the sea wasn't completely impossible. He made quick calculations in his mind.

Three Rooms. He will activate exactly three Rooms and he will be safe.

It's doable. It's only three Rooms!

Or as many as three...

Grunting, Law climbed the mast. Although ‘he climbed’ was an overstatement - it would probably be more accurate to say ‘he crawled’. He looked like a child who had mounted a wooden horse, but he was shaking so much that he looked like a cowboy on a stallion. One of the hands tentatively detached itself from the mast - the other one tried to hold on to the wood and not let go of the katana. A wave came from the right...


Law flew off the mast and almost let it go completely. One of the five threads that were still keeping him alive had just snapped. He tried a second time. And then the third one. It worked after the sixth time.

Balancing above the water, he held out his hand and concentrated on the island. There was no other option - it had to work!


Straw Hat once said - to the disgust of the rest of the group - that "using a Devil Fruit while submerged in salt water was like standing on your head and taking a sh*t. Everything was against you – both your body and gravity.”


The bastard was right... It WAS exactly what it felt like!

Law was much closer to the island now, but he didn't feel any better. He felt like vomiting. In addition, two more threads broke - now he only had two left.

We had to climb the mast again. It worked on the twelfth try. Okay, now teleportation…


A semi-transparent circle appeared above his hand, but after a second it disappeared. Feeling the pain tearing through him, Law wrinkled his nose and gritted his teeth.

“Room!” This time it worked. “Shambles!”

Hell! He only had to activate the Operating Room one last time, but the distance was much greater than he had expected. And there was only one thread left too... if it breaks, Law will break too!

Ignoring the fact that every nerve and

muscle in his body was rebelling against the effort, Trafalgar began to climb the mast. He failed on the twelfth try. As well as the twenty-second. Not even after the thirtieth had he managed to succeed! When he lost count, he realized he couldn't do it.

He pulled himself up just a little, so that his chest came out of the water. The shore was at his fingertips! Law could clearly see the waves crashing against the cliff. Oh, if only it were a beach and not a cliff! If it were a beach, he could try to swim to it... But no, it wouldn't change anything. He couldn't move even one toe, let alone try to swim to shore.

Last thread was about to snap.


The circle disappeared as quickly as it appeared.


This time there wasn't even a circle!


Crash! The thread broke.

Law knew it was over. Without control over what he was doing, he abandoned his pride, his principles and any thinking at all, and then, guided by the most primal of human instincts, the instinct of survival, he summoned himself for one last act of desperation and in a voice full of pleading, he shouted:


And then he went limp, like a puppet whose strings had been cut. The fingers of the left hand fell into the water first - the katana slipped out of them, disappearing into the dark depths.

‘Help..” he repeated, narrowing his eyes unconsciously.

The body's weight slowly shifted towards the submerged hand. The right arm slid down the beam like it was on a slide.


Law managed to glance at the sun, which had emerged from behind the horizon and was now floating majestically above the water. Bright, like the hair of someone very close to him. Warm and gentle, like the character of this person. He was glad he was able to see it - this one last time.

I'm sorry, Cora-san. I really fought until the end.

The hat stayed on the surface, but everything else was absorbed by the cold water. Even though Law was falling into the darkness, he could still see a ray of sunlight breaking through the surface. He wanted to look at it as long as possible. He was fighting with his own eyes, which wanted to close at all costs. With each blink, his eyelids became heavier and his vision blurred. The sun ray was getting further and further away…

Until at some point something covered it! A shape appeared where the sun had been a moment ago and rushed towards Law. The shape had long arms and luscious blond hair. The shape was very powerful, because with one blow it took out the shark that wanted to sink its teeth into Trafalgar. The shape swam very fast, as it caught up with Law before he fell to the bottom of the sea. The shape grabbed Law's wrist.

And then Law's eyelids felt they had no strength left. They fell and did not rise again.


He woke up to a terrible pain in his chest. Someone's huge hands were pressing so hard on that spot that it was a miracle that they didn't break the sternum. And then there were lips…soft and wet lips on his. Not as strong as those big hands, but gentle. Pleasantly delicate.

However, something was wrong…

Idiot, this is NOT how you do CPR! – The Death Surgeon thought with irritation. – Kissing my face won't do any good... It's the nose! Plug my nose, you idiot!

Powerful hands began to press his sternum again. Once, twice, three times and finally...


Trafalgar spat out half the ocean. Or at least that's what he assumed from the copious amounts of water that flowed down his cheeks. His chest rose and fell rapidly. He still didn't have the strength to open his eyes, but he managed to move his fingertips and feel the rough surface of the sand. This gave him a sense of security and assured him that he had survived. Sand... Oh, how good it felt to feel these tiny, warm grains on his skin.

There was a loud sigh of relief from somewhere above.

“Oh, God, you're breathing! For a moment I thought I had lost you. I'm sorry if anything hurts... I was afraid you wouldn't wake up, so I pressed with all my strength. I hope I didn't break your sternum.”

A large hand touched where Law had a heart tattoo with Corazon's smile on it.

Weird. That voice sounded familiar to Trafalgar. The Death Surgeon could have sworn he had heard it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember where. He felt long fingers slip into his hand.

“Can you hear me? If so, squeeze my hand.”

Law squeezed obediently. And then he heard a strange sound. Even though he couldn't explain it logically, for some reason he figured that the sound must have been the sound of the stranger smiling. His savior… this man… just smiled. Law didn't know how he knew that, but for some reason he was sure. Even though he still didn't open his eyes.

“I'm glad you're okay…”

That voice… how did he know that voice? And why did he find the fact that he didn't recognize that voice so irritating?

Something in his head told him that he should know that voice as well as his own. That that voice meant something to him. No, not something. Someone. Someone so important that not recognizing his voice was downright insulting.

Law forced his eyes open. As soon as he did this, he felt a large hand on his cheek.

“It's okay, don't push yourself,” his rescuer said in a gentle tone. “Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you, so don't force yourself. You are completely exhausted... you look like a corpse! You almost really became one. Trust me. I will take care of you.”

‘I won't let anything happen to you.’

‘I'll take care of you.’

Trafalgar couldn't remember the last time he had heard such words addressed to himself. They sounded so damn abstract that he felt like smiling. Only he didn't have the strength.

His eyes still hadn't adjusted to the light, so he couldn't see very clearly. He was blinded by the sun shining over the stranger's head. If only the mysterious man moved to the side a bit! Law looked at him, but because of the damn light he couldn't tell what the guy looked like at all.

Only that he had beautiful, thick, neck-length blond hair.

And maybe it was Trafalgar's mind that was on the verge of madness after his close encounter with death, but the Surgeon of Death could have sworn that it wasn’t the first time he saw those hairs. That he remembered them from somewhere. But from where?

He tried to lift his head to get a better look, but almost immediately his hair hit the sand. Frustrated, he opened his mouth.

“Where do I…?” was all he managed to gasp out.

The stranger tilted his head. He leaned slightly towards Law to hear him better.

“What happened?” he asked with concern. “Is something hurting? Can I help?”

“From where…”

"’From where’?”

“From where…”

Even though it cost him all his remaining energy, Trafalgar raised his hand. With fingers trembling with effort, he grabbed the blonde curls of his neck and pulled that familiar yet unfamiliar face towards him. The sun was still blinding him. He couldn't see very well. He took a deep breath.

“Do… do I… know you?”

After these words, he lost consciousness.

His Second Life - Chapter 1 - Kurolf (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.