Apple Crisp Pancakes Recipe: so easy! (2024)

The Recipe Rebel / Breakfast

written by Ashley Fehr

5 from 1 vote

Prep Time 10 minutes mins

Total Time 16 minutes mins

Servings 10 pancakes

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Last updated on April 11, 2022

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These Apple Crisp Pancakes are soft, fluffy cinnamon pancakes filled with shredded apple and topped with brown sugar crumble — a decadent weekend breakfast!

Apple Crisp Pancakes Recipe: so easy! (2)

So, I have to give the credit for this recipe to my almost 2-year-old. For real.

I had seen a coffee cake pancake recipe on Pinterest once, but I was turned off because the streusel was mixed up, and then baked in the oven, then the batter was topped with the cooked streusel. It just seemed like more work than I was willing to put into a pancake recipe.

Apple Crisp Pancakes Recipe: so easy! (3)

That was long, long ago and recently I’ve found myself tossing around the idea of topping pancakes with streusel (minus the cooking part), and letting it cook as part of the pancake.

So this morning, I decided to give it a go.

I started mixing together some butter, brown sugar and flour until crumbly. As I’m mixing it together, my almost 2-year-old is standing on a chair next to me and, I kid you not, she says, “apples! Apples!”

There is not an apple in sight. I have no idea what put the idea in her head.

But I started thinking about it, and it seemed pretty genius.

Apple Crisp Pancakes Recipe: so easy! (4)

So I added some oats to my streusel for a true “crisp” effect, and added a shredded apple to my pancakes.

These were so, so good. Almost too good to eat for breakfast. The pancake is fluffy and soft and fruity and the streusel adds a nice texture to the top of the pancake. The brown sugar starts to caramelize a little, and the oats add a little crunch.

The streusel is going to sink into the top of the pancake when you flip it, so it’s not going to have quite as crunchy a texture as it would on a coffee cake. But the flavour is spot on. It’s apple crisp in breakfast form. Drizzle on a little maple syrup and they are irresistible.

To add a little something for garnish, I bakedup half of the streusel on a foil lined baking sheet at 350 degrees for 5-7 minutes while I cooked the pancakes. It adds a great crunch, but it’s totally unnecessary if you just don’t feel like it!

Apple Crisp Pancakes Recipe: so easy! (5)

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Apple Crisp Pancakes

written by Ashley Fehr

5 from 1 vote

Fluffy pancakes filled with shredded apples and topped with a sweet and crunchy oatmeal streusel — pancake perfection!

Apple Crisp Pancakes Recipe: so easy! (7)




Prep Time 10 minutes mins

Cook Time 6 minutes mins

Total Time 16 minutes mins

Cuisine American

Course Breakfast

Servings 10 pancakes

Calories 216cal


For the pancakes:

  • 1 1/2 cups flour I used 1 cup all-purpose and ½ cup whole wheat
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 small apple shredded

For the streusel:

  • 1/4 cup butter cold
  • 1/3 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup large flake oats
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon


  • Combine flour and baking powder in a large bowl. Add eggs, milk, vanilla, and cinnamon. Whisk until smooth. Stir in shredded apple.

  • For the streusel, combine all ingredients with a pastry blender, fork or your fingers until coarse crumbs.

  • Heat a large griddle over medium heat. Ladle batter on to heated griddle and cook 1 minute before topping with streusel. Divide streusel evenly among the pancakes.

  • Cook pancakes 4-5 minutes on the first side (until golden brown) before flipping and cooking another 4-5 minutes on the second side. The streusel will start to cook into the top of the pancake before slipping so it shouldn’t fall off during the flip.

  • If desired, toast some streusel by itself on the griddle to top pancakes with. Serve warm with maple syrup or syrup of choice.

Nutrition Information

Calories: 216cal | Carbohydrates: 34g | Protein: 4g | Fat: 6g | Saturated Fat: 3g | Cholesterol: 47mg | Sodium: 68mg | Potassium: 188mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 14g | Vitamin A: 240IU | Vitamin C: 0.8mg | Calcium: 82mg | Iron: 1.5mg

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Pancake recipe adapted from Jaimie Oliver’s One Cup Pancakes.

Apple Crisp Pancakes Recipe: so easy! (8)

Meet Ashley

My name is Ashley Fehr and I love creating easy meals my family loves. I also like to do things my way, which means improvising and breaking the rules when necessary. Here you will find creative twists on old favorites and some of my favorite family recipes, passed down from generations!

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Reader Interactions


  1. Tracie says

    Thanks Ashley, these were perfect on National Pancake Day! Baking some reserved streusel in the oven for topping was a great tip.


    • Ashley Fehr says

      Thanks Tracie! We love them!


    • Suzanne Andrejecsk says

      Two questions. First one: could I use all whole wheat flour for these? Second one: I can only eat apples if they are cooked(I get weird allergic bumps in my mouth and throat if I eat raw apples; I can eat apple pie, apple crisp, apple muffins, etc). Do you think the grated apples will cook enough in the pancake batter for me to eat these without an issue? Thanks in advance!


      • The Recipe Rebel says

        Hi Suzanne, I’ve only tested the recipe as is but you could likely use all whole wheat flour. For the second, I’m not able to advise on anything medical so you would have to ask your doctor on what would be safe for you. As far as the apple I am not sure how cooked it gets in the pancakes.

  2. Brittany says

    How many pancakes for 216 calories? These look like an amazing edition to my pancake recipe collection 🙂


    • Ashley Fehr says

      The recipe is for 10 servings, so if you divide the batter into 10 large pancakes, it is per pancake. You can also make 20 smaller pancakes, and then it would be two small pancakes.

  3. Quin says

    Apple Crisp is one of my all time favorite desserts. These pancakes are right up my alley!!!!! Love these ?


  4. Suzie says

    Thank you for sharing this recipe, these sound amazing. However, I have a picky 3 year old who wants waffles instead of pancakes today (his 2 year old brother just wants FOOD and could go either way). So, I was hoping if you knew how to convert these pancakes in to waffles and if you wouldn’t mind sharing how to do so.

    The Momma of a 2 impatient little boys 🙂


    • Ashley says

      You know, I so rarely make waffles! I’m not sure I can be of much help. Sorry!


  5. Nancy@SeasonsOfJoy says

    I couldn’t wait to try these, so I made a half batch for lunch (still have extra). SO DELICIOUS! Will become a classic around here!


    • Ashley says

      Thanks so much Nanacy! It’s always nice to hear how recipes work out for others — thanks for letting me know!


  6. Nancy@SeasonsOfJoy says

    Oh, my gosh! Apple crisp is my all time fave dessert, and to combine that with pancakes is genius! Cannot wait to try these! Thanks for this!


    • Ashley says

      Haha, thank my daughter! I give her the credit 🙂


  7. Jamie @ Love Bakes Good Cakes says

    These sound absolutley delicious! Thanks so much for sharing at Freedom Fridays! 🙂


    • Ashley says

      Thanks Jaimie! No problem!


  8. AnnMarie says

    Yum! My brain says Apple Crisp is for Fall so I will try these then! Pinned!


    • Ashley says

      Thanks AnnMarie!


  9. Erin {Delightful E Made} says

    Ashley, these pancakes look AMAZING!! I will definitely have to make a batch this weekend. Have pinned! Stopping by from Freedom Friday. Have a wonderful weekend! ~Erin


    • Ashley says

      Thanks Erin! We loved them 🙂


  10. Stephanie says

    This looks delicious! I would love for you share it on my Tasty Tuesday recipe link up here! Everything gets pinned and I would love to have you!


    • Ashley says

      Thanks Stephanie! I will definitely have to check that out!


  11. Jess @ On Sugar Mountain says

    You have such a smart little “almost 2 year old” on your hands! These sound like perfect pancakes for any time of the year, but definitely in the autumn when I go apple picking! Bookmarking this right now! 😀


    • Ashley says

      Thanks Jess! She definitely surprised me, but I couldn’t say no 🙂


  12. Lauren Allen says

    This recipe is right down my alley! I’m such a breakfast person, so I’ll be trying this soon! Thanks!


    • Ashley says

      I’m glad, Lauren! We LOVE our breakfast food, too 🙂


  13. Annie @Maebells says

    That is one smart kiddo! These look fantastic! Apple Crisp is one of my favorites, absolutely trying these!


    • Ashley says

      I agree Annie! I just stopped by your page — I love it! Looks like you have some awesome recipes 🙂


  14. Librarian Lavender says

    Your two year old had a wonderful idea, those are looking delicious!


    • Ashley says

      I agree! Thank you!


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Apple Crisp Pancakes Recipe: so easy! (2024)
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