Acostarse or Acostar: Learn How to Use and Conjugate This Verb (2024)

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Acostarse Conjugation, Usage and Examples

Acostarse or Acostar: Learn How to Use and Conjugate This Verb (1)


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    Jocelly Meiners

    Acostarse or Acostar: Learn How to Use and Conjugate This Verb (3)

    Jocelly Meiners

    Professor of Hispanic Linguistics

    • Ph.D., Hispanic Linguistics, University of Texas at Austin
    • M.A., French Linguistics, University of Texas at Austin
    • B.A., French and Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin

    Dr. Jocelly Meiners has taught language courses at the University of Texas at Austin since 2008. She holds a Ph.D. in Hispanic linguistics and an M.A. in French linguistics.

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    Updated on February 25, 2020

    The Spanish verbacostarsemeans to lay down or to go to bed. Since this verb is most commonly used in its reflexive form, the conjugationfor acostarse in this article includes the reflexive pronouns (me, te, se, nos, os, se).Below you can find tables withconjugations foracostarsein the present, past and future indicative, present and past subjunctive, as well as the imperative and other verb forms.

    Acostarse: Reflexive Verb

    You will notice that the infinitive form of acostarse has the reflexive pronounse. This indicates that it is a reflexive verbin whichthe action returns to the subject who does the action. For example, you can think ofyo me acuestoas "I lay myself down" or "I put myself to bed." Some examples of how this verb is used are Ella se acuesta temprano(She goes to bed early) or Nosotros nos acostamos en el piso (We lay down on the floor). More figuratively, this verb can be used with the meaning of having sexual relations with someone, or "sleeping" with someone. For example,El hombre se acostó con su noviawould be translated as"The man slept with his girlfriend."

    You can also use the verb acostarwithout the reflexive pronoun,in which case it means to lay something or someone down, or to put someone to bed. For example, you can sayÉl acuesta a los niños temprano(He puts the kids to bed early) orLos enfermeros acostaron al paciente en la camilla(The nurses laid the patient down on the stretcher).

    Acostaris a stem-changing verb like almorzar.This means that in some conjugations, there is a change in the vowel of the verb stem. In this case, the o changes to ue.

    Acostarse Present Indicative

    Sinceacostarseis a stem-changing verb, theoin the stem changes touefor all the present tense conjugations except nosotros and vosotros. Also, note that when conjugating a reflexive verb, the corresponding reflexive pronoun for each person is included before the conjugated verb.

    Yome acuestoI lay downYo me acuesto en la cama.
    te acuestasYou lay downTú te acuestas para la siesta.
    Usted/él/ellase acuestaYou/he/she lays downElla se acuesta después de almorzar.
    Nosotrosnos acostamos We lay downNosotros nos acostamos en la hamaca.
    Vosotrosos acostáisYou lay downVosotros os acostáis para descansar.
    Ustedes/ellos/ellas se acuestanYou/they lay downEllos se acuestan en la alfombra.


    The verbacostarse does not have a stem change in the preterite indicative tense.

    Yome acostéI laid downYo me acosté en la cama.
    te acostasteYou laid downTú te acostaste para la siesta.
    Usted/él/ellase acostóYou/he/she laid downElla se acostó después de almorzar.
    Nosotrosnos acostamosWe laid downNosotros nos acostamos en la hamaca.
    Vosotrosos acostasteisYou (plural) laid downVosotros os acostasteis para descansar.
    Ustedes/ellos/ellas se acostaronYou(plural)/they laid downEllos se acostaron en la alfombra.


    The imperfect tense is used to talk about repeated or ongoing actions in the past, and can be translated as "I was laying down" or "I used to lay down". There is no stem change for this verb in the imperfect tense.

    Yome acostabaI used to lay downYo me acostaba en la cama.
    te acostabasYou used to lay downTú te acostabas para la siesta.
    Usted/él/ellase acostabaYou/he/she used to lay downElla se acostaba después de almorzar.
    Nosotrosnos acostábamosWe used to lay downNosotros nos acostábamos en la hamaca.
    Vosotrosos acostabaisYou used to lay downVosotros os acostabais para descansar.
    Ustedes/ellos/ellas se acostabanYou/they used to lay downEllos se acostaban en la alfombra.


    Read MoreSpanish Verb Acordarse ConjugationBy Jocelly Meiners
    Yome acostaréI will lay downYo me acostaré en la cama.
    te acostarásYou will lay downTú te acostarás para la siesta.
    Usted/él/ellase acostaráYou/he/she will lay downElla se acostará después de almorzar.
    Nosotrosnos acostaremosWe will lay downNosotros nos acostaremos en la hamaca.
    Vosotrosos acostaréisYou will lay downVosotros os acostaréis para descansar.
    Ustedes/ellos/ellas se acostaránYou/they will lay downEllos se acostarán en la alfombra.

    AcostarsePeriphrastic FutureIndicative

    The periphrastic future is formed with the auxiliary verbir(to go) in the present indicative,followed by the prepositiona,plus the infinitive of the verb. When conjugating a reflexive verb in the periphrastic future tense, the reflexive pronoun is placed before the conjugated auxiliary verb, which in this case isir(voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van).

    Yome voy a acostarI am going to lay downYo me voy a acostar en la cama.
    te vas a acostarYou are going to lay downTú te vas a acostar para la siesta.
    Usted/él/ellase va a acostarYou/he/she is going to lay downElla se va a acostar después de almorzar.
    Nosotrosnos vamos a acostarWe are going to lay downNosotros nos vamos a acostar en la hamaca.
    Vosotrosos vais a acostarYou are going to lay downVosotros os vais a acostar para descansar.
    Ustedes/ellos/ellas se van a acostarYou/they are going to lay downEllos se van a acostar en la alfombra.


    The conditional tense is used to talk about possibilities or probabilities, and it can be translated as "would + verb" in English. For example,Tú te acostarías si tuvieras tiempomeans "You would lay down if you had time."

    Yome acostaríaI would lay downYo me acostaría en la cama.
    te acostaríasYou would lay downTú te acostarías para la siesta.
    Usted/él/ellase acostaríaYou/he/she would lay downElla se acostaría después de almorzar.
    Nosotrosnos acostaríamosWe would lay downNosotros nos acostaríamos en la hamaca.
    Vosotrosos acostaríaisYou would lay downVosotros os acostaríais para descansar.
    Ustedes/ellos/ellas se acostaríanYou/they would lay downEllos se acostarían en la alfombra.

    Acostarse Present Progressive/Gerund form

    The present progressive tense is formed with the present indicative form of the auxiliary verbestar(to be), followed by the present participle or gerund. For -arverbs, the present participle is formed with the ending -ando. Remember that the reflexive pronoun is placed before the conjugated auxiliary verb (estar),since the auxiliary verb and the participle cannotbe separated.

    Present Progressive ofAcostarse:se está acostando

    She is laying down. ->Ellase está acostando en la cama.

    Acostarse Past Participle

    The past participle is used to form compound tenses, such as the present perfect. The present perfect is formed with the present indicative form of the verbhaber,followed by the past participle, which in this case is formed with the ending-ado.Here again the reflexive pronoun is placed before the conjugated verb (haber).

    Present Perfect ofAcostarse:se ha acostado

    She has laid down. ->Ella se ha acostado para la siesta.

    AcostarsePresent Subjunctive

    The subjunctive mood is used to talk about emotions, doubts, desires, probabilities, and other subjective situations. In the present subjunctive, there is a stem-change for all of the conjugations exceptnosotrosand vosotros.

    Que yome acuesteThat I lay downEric quiere que yo me acueste en la cama.
    Que túte acuestesThat you lay downMarisa quiere que tú te acuestes para la siesta.
    Que usted/él/ellase acuesteThat you/he/she lay downHugo quiere que ella se acueste después de almorzar.
    Que nosotrosnos acostemos That we lay downFernanda quiere que nosotros nos acostemos en la hamaca.
    Que vosotrosos acostéisThat you lay downDaniel quiere que vosotros os acostéis para descansar.
    Que ustedes/ellos/ellas se acuestenThat you/they lay downLarisa quiere que ellos se acuesten en la alfombra.


    The imperfect subjunctive is used in similar situations as the present subjunctive, except that it refers to situations in the past.

    Option 1

    Que yome acostaraThat I laid downEric quería que yo me acostara en la cama.
    Que túte acostarasThat you laid downMarisa quería que tú te acostaras para la siesta.
    Que usted/él/ellase acostaraThat you/he/she laid downHugo quería que ella se acostara después de almorzar.
    Que nosotrosnos acostáramos That we laid downFernanda quería que nosotros nos acostáramos en la hamaca.
    Que vosotrosos acostaraisThat you laid downDaniel quería que vosotros os acostarais para descansar.
    Que ustedes/ellos/ellas se acostaranThat you/they laid downLarisa quería que ellos se acostaran en la alfombra.

    Option 2

    Que yome acostaseThat I laid downEric quería que yo me acostase en la cama.
    Que túte acostasesThat you laid downMarisa quería que tú te acostases para la siesta.
    Que usted/él/ellase acostaseThat you/he/she laid downHugo quería que ella se acostase después de almorzar.
    Que nosotrosnos acostásemos That we laid downFernanda quería que nosotros nos acostásemos en la hamaca.
    Que vosotrosos acostaseisThat you laid downDaniel quería que vosotros os acostaseis para descansar.
    Que ustedes/ellos/ellas se acostasenThat you/they laid downLarisa quería que ellos se acostasen en la alfombra.

    Acostarse Imperative

    When giving direct commands, use the imperative mood. There are various forms of the imperative for the different persons, except for those to whom you cannot give a direct command (yo, él, ella, ellos, ellas). Note that there are slightly different forms for positive and negative commands for and vosotros.Also, you will note that there is a difference in the placement of the reflexive pronoun for the positive and negative commands. In the positive commands, the reflexive pronoun is attached at the end of the verb, while in the negative commands, the reflexive pronoun is a separate word placed between theadverbnoand the verb.

    Positive Commands

    acuéstateLay down!¡Acuéstate para la siesta!
    UstedacuésteseLay down!¡Acuéstese después de almorzar!
    Nosotros acostémonos Let's lay down!¡Acostémonos en la hamaca!
    VosotrosacostaosLay down!¡Acostaos para descansar!
    UstedesacuéstenseLay down!¡Acuéstense en la alfombra!

    Negative Commands

    no te acuestesDon't lay down!¡No te acuestes para la siesta!
    Ustedno se acuesteDon't lay down!¡No se acueste después de almorzar!
    Nosotros no nos acostemos Let's not lay down!¡No nos acostemos en la hamaca!
    Vosotrosno os acostéisDon't lay down!¡No os acostéis para descansar!
    Ustedesno se acuestenDon't lay down!¡No se acuesten en la alfombra!



    Your Citation

    Meiners, Jocelly. "Spanish Verb Acostarse Conjugation." ThoughtCo, Feb. 7, 2021,, Jocelly. (2021, February 7). Spanish Verb Acostarse Conjugation. Retrieved from, Jocelly. "Spanish Verb Acostarse Conjugation." ThoughtCo. (accessed May 28, 2024).

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    Acostarse or Acostar: Learn How to Use and Conjugate This Verb (2024)
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