12 Winter Recipes High In Vitamin C To Help You Battle Your Way Through Flu Season (2024)

Winter is in full swing, which is great for snow-lovers, but I think I speak on behalf of everyone when I say, I hate flu season. There may be no escaping the winter months, but there are tons of ways to fight the flu. And while you could down a bottle of Emergen-C or immediately squeeze a dozen fresh oranges for their healing powers, there are easier (and more delicious) ways to sneak a little extra vitamin C into your daily cooking to help keep that winter cold at bay. Just because we're experiencing Winter Storm Juno does not mean you need to carry around a gallon of Sunny D like Juno did in the movie. In fact, some foods actually carry more vitamin C than oranges, like bell peppers, broccoli, and kiwi. These are especially great alternatives for those who don't like the taste of citrus.

See? Staying healthy this season just got a whole lot easier. Don't let the flu hold you back from all the awesome things you could be doing this winter, like sled racing, snowball fighting, and finishing up your Friends Netflix binge. From mango salsa to pineapple meatballs, here are 12 easy and delicious recipes that are sure to boost your immune system. Cook up these high-packed vitamin C foods, and you're ready to conquer the storm.

1. Boston Sausage and Peppers

Try this classic Boston dish, and don't be shy with the bell peppers. Bell peppers have 180 milligrams of vitamin C, so fire up the skillet and have your fill. We love this recipe by The Little Leopard Book.

2. Kiwi Tarts

OK, these take a tad bit more work to make, but they're totally worth it! With more than 135 milligrams of vitamin C, this sweet snack is sure to boost your immune system. What Jew Wanna Eat? has the recipe.

3. Broccoli Parmesan Pasta

This pasta dish is easy to make, which is great for those busy weekdays. Oh, and did we mention you get 132 milligrams of vitamin C with every cup of broccoli? This yummy recipe by Family Fresh Cooking is a win-win for everyone.

4. Creamy Cauliflower Soup

This creamy soup is the perfect combination for when you want to stay warm and healthy. Cauliflower contains more than 125 milligrams of vitamin C in every cup, and this recipe by Cara's Cravings calls for five cups! Talk about an immunity booster.

5. Mango Salsa

This mango salsa by Little Leopard Book makes the perfect topping for chicken tacos or grilled salmon, or eat it along with a bag of tortilla chips. Either way, your immune system will thank you — the average mango holds 122 milligrams of vitamin C.

6. Butternut Squash Ceviche

One cup of butternut squash contains almost half of your daily dose of vitamin C — which means this amazing meal by The Connecting Kitchen is your new best friend this winter.

7. Chili Chicken Enchilada

Spice up your cooking with this chili chicken enchilada recipe by With Style and Grace. The chili subs in for cheese in this recipe — I know, insane — but it also comes packed with vitamin C. I mean, we can always add cheese later, right?

8. Papaya Strawberry Smoothie

Of course, we had to throw in a great drink to go with all the other vitamin C-packed meals. Papayas add a sweet kick to any recipe, but are especially delicious in smoothies. Try this one by Family Fresh Cooking.

9. Strawberries Balsamic Bruschetta

I am a huge fan of strawberries, and no one is happier than me that they made the vitamin C list because I will gladly eat 100 strawberries before I eat an orange. This sweet and simple appetizer by Little Leopard Book is great to serve all year round, but more so in winter because strawberries carry 84 milligrams of vitamin C.

10. Kale Khachapuri

This Georgian treat has become a popular Israel breakfast. Khachapuri is basically egg and cheese bread. Throw in some kale, and you're ready to start the day right. What Jew Wanna Eat? shows you how.

11. Pineapple Meatballs

This flavorful fruit contains 79 milligrams of vitamin C. Pineapple is not only a delicious addition to any meat, but it's also a natural meat tenderizer. This recipe by The Healthy Foodie is a must-try.

12. Orange Almond Waffles

Of course, we couldn't leave out oranges! They're the poster child for vitamin C, with more than 130 milligrams in every one. So why not add a dose of vitamin C to the most important part of your day? These orange almond waffles by Making Thyme For Health are exactly what you want for breakfast.

Images: The Connecting Kitchen/Katy Howard; FamilyFreshCooking/Marla Meredith; CarasCravings/Cara; LittleLeopardBook/ Whitney Bond; WithStyleandGrace/Lisa Thiele; TheHealthyFoodie/Sonia; MakingThyme4Health/Sarah

12 Winter Recipes High In Vitamin C To Help You Battle Your Way Through Flu Season (2024)


Does vitamin C keep the flu away? ›

But taking vitamin C won't prevent you from getting the flu or a cold — or from getting COVID-19. If you take vitamin C regularly and catch a cold or the flu, your symptoms may not be so bad. But if you take vitamin C when you already have a cold or flu, it won't affect how long you're sick or how sick you get.

Which vitamin is good for flu? ›

Preventing the Flu

The CDC also recommends a number of preventive actions, such as limiting contact with sick people, disinfecting surfaces and washing your hands often. Eating a diet rich in nutrients, such as vitamins A, C and E, can also help your body fight off illness.

What vitamins prevent you from getting sick? ›

Vitamins C and D, zinc, and Echinacea have evidence-based efficacy on these immune system barriers. This review includes 82 eligible studies to consider the preventive role of these nutrients in immune clusters and in CC to provide advice on dosage and assumption of these nutrients.

What are 5 foods high in vitamin C? ›

Citrus fruits, tomatoes and tomato juice, and potatoes are major contributors of vitamin C to the American diet [8]. Other good food sources include red and green peppers, kiwifruit, broccoli, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, and cantaloupe (see Table 2) [8,12].

Why avoid taking vitamin C at night? ›

Why do we say that vitamin C prevents sleep? This idea that vitamin C interferes with sleep comes from a well-known warning phrase on food supplement boxes: “It is best not to take this medication late in the day because of its slightly stimulating effect.” .

Which vitamin deficiency causes flu? ›

Studies have also found associations between either 25(OH)D or 1,25(OH)2D deficiency and clinical illnesses, including influenza (11, 12, 13, 14), tuberculosis (15, 16, 17, 18, 19), respiratory syncytial virus (9, 20), and other respiratory illnesses (21, 22, 23, 24), in observational studies.

Does Emergen C work when sick? ›

Although many people take Emergen-C to prevent or shorten a cold, the scientific evidence showing it works is minimal. There's also mixed research about vitamin C's effectiveness in preventing or treating colds in the general population. If you still decide to take Emergen-C, keep it to one serving daily.

Does zinc help with flu? ›

There is currently no strong scientific evidence that any natural product is useful against the flu. Zinc taken orally (by mouth) may help to treat colds, but it can cause side effects and interact with medicines.

How much vitamin C to fight a cold? ›

The likelihood of success may vary from person to person. Some people improve, while others do not. Taking 1000 to 2000 mg per day can be safely tried by most people. Taking too much can cause stomach upset.

How did people get vitamin C in winter? ›

How did people get their vitamin C needs when citrus fruits were not available in the colder countries? As other answers have said, berries and other vegetables.

What winter fruits are high in vitamin C? ›

Citrus fruits include oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, clementine, navel oranges, etc. These winter fruits contain vitamin c. Their season runs from November through May.

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